
Taiwan to double gender-neutral restrooms by 2029

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/19 20:00
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Taiwan to double gender-neutral restrooms by 2029 (Courtesy of CNA via TVBS News) Taiwan to double gender-neutral restrooms by 2029
Taiwan to double gender-neutral restrooms by 2029 (Courtesy of CNA via TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Environment (MOENV, 環境部) on Monday (Aug. 19) announced plans aiming to double the number of gender-neutral restrooms from 623 to 1,246 between 2025 and 2029, investing NT$280.35 million.

The MOENV launched its "Gender-Neutral Restrooms Doubling Action Plan" (性別友善廁所倍增行動方案) to address public discomfort and discrimination faced by gender-diverse individuals.


According to a survey by the Executive Yuan's Department of Gender Equality (行政院性平處), 17% of gender-diverse individuals feel uncomfortable or discriminated against in public restrooms and changing rooms.

Environmental Management Administration Director-General Yen Hsu-ming (顏旭明) emphasized that gender-neutral restrooms not only reduce long queues for women but also provide comfort for gender-diverse individuals.

Yen noted that public awareness and willingness to use gender-neutral restrooms have significantly increased. In 2023, 44.1% of respondents were aware of these facilities, and 69.6% were willing to use them.

Yen also revealed that from 2019 to 2024, the ministry subsidized the installation of 224 gender-neutral restrooms, accounting for 35.9% of the national total.

The Ministry of Environment hopes the "Gender-Neutral Restrooms Doubling Action Plan" will enhance gender inclusivity in public spaces and continue to improve infrastructure.

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#gender-neutral restrooms# gender equality# environmental management# public restrooms# gender diversity# MOENV# gender inclusivity# gender-neutral restroom investment Taiwan# public restroom discrimination gender-diverse# gender-neutral restrooms doubling
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