
WTO reviews China’s trade policies amid Taiwan’s complaints

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/18 13:03
Last update time:2024/07/18 19:28
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WTO reviews China’s trade policies amid Taiwan’s complaints (TVBS News) WTO reviews China’s trade policies amid Taiwan’s complaints
WTO reviews China’s trade policies amid Taiwan’s complaints (TVBS News)

BRUXELLES (TVBS News) —  Taiwan's representative to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Lo Chang-fa (羅昌發), criticized China's unilateral trade restrictions on Taiwanese agricultural products during the ninth review of China's trade policies and practices on Wednesday (July 17).

Lo accused China of restricting exports of Taiwanese pineapples and mangoes without scientific evidence, citing sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) reasons. He also criticized the need for more transparency and predictability in China's registration requirements for food producers, noting that only 33% of Taiwanese businesses passed China's review without explanation.


Lo further condemned China's unilateral trade barrier investigations against Taiwan, labeling the procedures unreasonable and discriminatory. He argued that these actions did not comply with WTO standards, making China's retaliatory measures unjustifiable.

Also, Lo highlighted China's non-transparent, extensive subsidies involving state-owned enterprises. He claimed these subsidies distort production, trade, and markets, harming Taiwan's solar and steel industries and the global economy. He noted that many WTO members share these concerns.

Lo urged China to address its structural issues, avoid distortionary subsidies, and comply with WTO transparency rules. He also called for bilateral consultations to resolve disputes related to Taiwan's agricultural exports, food producer registration, and trade barrier investigations.

The WTO's Trade Policy Reviews (TPR) mechanism requires the top five global traders to undergo reviews every two years. On July 17, China presented its report, allowing member countries to comment. China will respond to these comments on July 19, with further comments from other members expected.

Taiwan Business

#WTO review# Taiwanese exports# trade barriers# China trade# agricultural products# state subsidies# solar industry# China’s restrictions on Taiwanese pineapples# transparency in food producer registration# unilateral trade barrier investigations


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