
Over 7M Taiwanese face poverty, illness, and fraud risks

Reporter Tommy Huang (黃健誠) Global Views-Commonwealth Publishing Group / Editor Dimitri Bruyas TVBS World Taiwan (Translator)
Release time:2024/05/22 18:03
Last update time:2024/05/22 18:13
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Over 7M Taiwanese face poverty, illness, and fraud risks (Courtesy of Shutterstock) Over 7M Taiwanese face poverty, illness, and fraud risks
Over 7M Taiwanese face poverty, illness, and fraud risks (Courtesy of Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The "Three Precautions Generation" is here! Over 7 million young and middle-aged people aged 30-50 must now consider the challenges of poverty, illness, and fraud as they retire after decades of hard work. Constructing a financial safety net to guard against these risks has become essential. Addressing these issues and preparing in advance will provide a better chance for a fulfilling later life.

In an aging society, people face the risk of outliving their resources, with frequent concerns about health and labor insurance insolvency. This has caused many 30-50-year-olds to worry about facing poverty or illness and falling victim to fraud in retirement.


Given the drastic changes in the economic environment, those who wish to retire peacefully must rely on themselves, with advance preparation being key. How can they guard against poverty, illness, and fraud to build a secure financial future?

Even the Most Absurd Scams Find Victims
"I'm an astronaut drifting in outer space, send me US$10,000 quickly so I can return to Earth..." Despite such an absurd reason, some people still fall for it. Lin Shuli (林書立), head of the Prevention Division at the Criminal Investigation Bureau, National Police Agency, Ministry of the Interior (內政部警政署刑事警察局), shared this outrageous fraud case at an international conference. He emphasized that besides public sector efforts to combat fraud, the public must stay vigilant.

According to data from the police agency, there were 37,000 fraud cases in 2023, with investment fraud being the most common, totaling 11,700 cases, or 30% of all cases.

Further investigation into the victims' demographics shows that those aged 20-29 are most frequently scammed; however, the 50-59 age group suffers higher financial losses. Lin also noted that since last year, investment fraud cases have surged, becoming the category with the greatest financial losses. Recently, there has been an increase in repeated fraud, targeting previous victims with false promises of fund recovery.

Countless forms of fraud exploit human vulnerabilities to swindle victims of their hard-earned money. For the "Three Precautions Generation," preventing fraud has become crucial. Just as with retirement funds and medical insurance, it's possible to prepare in advance to secure assets and prevent fraud.

This article is excerpted from the April issue of Global Views Magazine; for more articles, please visit the Global Views Magazine website. Here is the link to the Chinese story: 防窮、防病、防詐騙!30~50歲「三防世代」必懂的人生下半場先修課

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The Taiwan Briefing

#Taiwan#Three Precautions Generation#fraud#retirement#poverty#illness#financial security#aging society#investment fraud#economic environment


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