
Blinken rallies global support for peace, stability in Asia

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/22 15:48
Last update time:2024/05/22 15:48
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Blinken rallies global support for peace, stability in Asia (AP) Blinken rallies global support for peace, stability in Asia
Blinken rallies global support for peace, stability in Asia (AP)

WASHINGTON (TVBS News) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized Tuesday (May 21) the U.S.'s role in rallying global support to maintain peace and stability in the region, ensuring China refrains from unilateral actions that could alter the status quo.

This statement comes amid criticisms from Republican Senator Tim Scott, who labeled the Biden administration's foreign policy as "weak," potentially inviting more challenges, including in the Taiwan Strait.


Blinken highlighted the international community's growing vocal support for Taiwan, largely due to the U.S.'s active engagement.

During his visit to China in late April, he expressed concerns over China's "distortion of trade" through non-market economic policies and practices, which threatens U.S. national security and the global economy. He advocated for fair treatment and a competitive environment for U.S. workers and businesses, signaling a firm stance against China's economic policies.

Criticism also came from Jim Risch, the leading Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, who argued that the Biden administration's budget priorities miss the mark in the competition with China.

He suggested focusing on China's growing advantages in ports, airports, digital technology, and other critical areas. In contrast, mid-March, Deputy Secretary of State Richard Verma called for leveraging "every tool available" to outcompete China, requesting a five-year, US$4 billion mandatory funding, with half aimed at helping Indo-Pacific nations counter "predatory behavior."

The administration's approach to China and the Taiwan Strait remains a point of contention, with calls for a stronger stance against China's economic and military posture. The U.S. commitment to Taiwan's security and the broader Indo-Pacific strategy will be closely watched as debates continue.

Taiwan Affairs



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