
President Lai charts a new course for the nation’s future

Reporter Dimitri Bruyas
Release time:2024/05/20 16:55
Last update time:2024/05/20 19:07
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Lai Ching-te (賴清德) and Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) were inaugurated on Monday as the 16th president and vice president of the Republic of China (Taiwan), greeted by enthusiastic crowds and an impressive military display.

In his inaugural address, President Lai Ching-te expressed his determination to bolster Taiwan's standing on the global stage, emphasizing his commitment to strengthening the nation's foundations. "When I went into politics, I was determined to transform Taiwan. Now, standing here, I am determined to strengthen the nation," Lai stated.


A Grand Ceremony
The inauguration ceremony, held at the presidential office in Taipei, drew a substantial gathering of officials, international dignitaries, and media despite not coinciding with a national holiday. Over 20,000 attendees, including representatives from Taiwan's diplomatic allies, witnessed the historic moment.

Key opposition figures, such as Taiwan People's Party leader Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), were also in attendance, alongside numerous mayors and magistrates, endorsing the democratic transition. "With an unwavering heart, I accept the responsibility the people have entrusted to me," Lai added, underlining his commitment to his new role.

Celebration Continues
Following the ceremonies in Taipei, the celebration will continue with a grand state dinner in Tainan, accommodating nearly 800 guests across 80 tables. The festivities symbolize a unified embrace of Taiwan's democratic principles and a commitment to its future trajectory.

During his opening speech in the morning, Lai expressed his gratitude to international residents and new citizens who have enriched Taiwan's society. "Many new residents and foreign nationals have come and made Taiwan their home, writing a new chapter in Taiwan's story," Lai said. He expressed his appreciation for their contributions and support.

A Vision for the Future
With the start of Lai's presidency, his administration is poised to chart new courses for Taiwan's military, economic, and social frameworks. His leadership promises to be characterized by a proactive and innovative approach, aiming to strengthen Taiwan's position both domestically and internationally.

"I also want to thank my fellow citizens once again for your support, for refusing to be swayed by external forces, for resolutely defending democracy, for pressing onward without turning back," Lai said, acknowledging the resilience and determination of the Taiwanese people.

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