
EU appoints Lutz Güllner as new representative in Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/17 15:43
Last update time:2024/04/17 15:43
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EU appoints Lutz Güllner as new representative in Taiwan (Shutterstock) EU appoints Lutz Güllner as new representative in Taiwan
EU appoints Lutz Güllner as new representative in Taiwan (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The European External Action Service (EEAS) announced on Tuesday (April 16) that Lutz Güllner, head of Strategic Communication, will serve as the European representative in Taiwan and head of the European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan (EETOT).

Güllner expressed his honor and anticipation for his new role on social media.


The nominated representative possesses extensive knowledge in both commercial and strategic communication. He heads the EEAS's Strategic Communication department, handling foreign information manipulation and interference.

In addition, he held the position of Director of the Transparency, Civil Society, and Communication Department at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Trade (DG TRADE).

Moreover, Güllner is no stranger to Taiwan; He served as the EU's representative at the first Berlin Taiwan Conference in 2022.

The appointment of Güllner as the European representative in Taiwan and head of the EETOT signifies the EU's commitment to strengthening its ties with Taiwan, particularly in trade and strategic communication.



Taiwan Affairs

#Lutz Güllner# European representative# Taiwan# EETOT# EEAS# Strategic Communication# EU# European Economic and Trade Office in Taiwan# Berlin Taiwan Conference# EU combating disinformation with Taiwan
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