
New Taipei fines cat food brand for false labeling

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/06/24 17:33
Last update time:2024/06/24 19:52
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Cat food brand fined for false labeling (Courtesy of the Animal Protection and Health Inspection Off New Taipei fines cat food brand for false labeling
Cat food brand fined for false labeling (Courtesy of the Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office)

NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The New Taipei City Government Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office on Monday (June 24) fined a Taiwanese cat food brand NT$60,000 for false labeling. The action followed online reports that a cat had died from hypokalemia after consuming the product.

Although tests on the pet food's trace elements, major ingredients, and content levels were within legal limits, the company was penalized NT$30,000 for failing to provide full information on the problematic batch, sales channels, and inventory, violating the Animal Protection Act (動保法).


Further examination by the National Animal Industry Foundation revealed discrepancies in the product's water content and levels of omega-3 and omega-6, which were up to three times the amounts stated on the packaging. This resulted in an additional NT$30,000 fine for false labeling.

The Animal Protection and Health Inspection Office reported that as of May, it had conducted 63 inspections, including checks on dry food, canned food, snacks, health products, and packaging, resulting in three fines this year. In 2023, the office inspected 25 pet food stores and conducted 263 product tests, leading to fines for nine businesses.

Taiwan Affairs

#pet food recall# cat food safety# animal protection# false labeling# pet health# Taiwanese cat food# pet food fines# cat food hypokalemia risk# pet food labeling laws# New Taipei pet food investigation


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