
Yannick cake chain to shut 6 stores amid market shake-up

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/02/27 13:48
Last update time:2024/02/27 13:48
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Yannick cake chain to shut 6 stores amid market shake-up (Courtesy of Yannick) Yannick cake chain to shut 6 stores amid market shake-up
Yannick cake chain to shut 6 stores amid market shake-up (Courtesy of Yannick)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Yannick, the progenitor of Taiwan's cream roll cake, confirmed on Tuesday (Feb. 27) that it will close six stores nationwide as part of its 2024 strategy adjustment, amid labor shortages and high raw material costs.

Nevertheless, Yannick Chairman Wu Tsung-en emphasized the company's operations remain normal, and hoped to launch 30 additional Yannick To Go Machine (YTM) cake vending machines at various locations later this year.


"Our operating strategy this year is aimed at improving service quality," said Wu.

He added they've been facing long-term staff shortages, with some stores lacking a store manager for a year or two.

Regarding the six closures, Wu said that some stores have leases nearing expiration, providing an opportunity for the coveted adjustment.

Established in 2000, Yannick is the first cake shop to major in slice cakes and later developed the cream roll cake.

Taiwan Business

#Yannick cream roll cake# store closures# labor shortages# raw material costs# Yannick To Go Machine# service quality# staff shortages# Taiwan cream roll cake pioneer Yannick# cake vending machine Yannick To Go Machine# cake shop specializing in cream roll
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