
Marathon runners enjoy Kaohsiung’s night market treats

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/11/26 17:01
Last update time:2023/11/26 17:01
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KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News) — Picture this: a marathon where the aid stations are swapped for street food stands! The Kaohsiung Fubon Marathon, held on a sunny Sunday (Nov. 26), turned into a sprint for the tastiest treats. 

As the runners kicked off at 5:20 a.m. from the Kaohsiung National Stadium, they were greeted not just by the usual cheering crowds but by an irresistible buffet of local night market delicacies!


Imagine the surprise and delight as runners, expecting the usual hydration points, found themselves amidst a carnival of flavors. The air was thick with the aromas of crispy calamari, sweet potato balls, and sizzling grilled sausages. 

Hou Tsun-yao, the beaming director of the Kaohsiung Sports Development Bureau, watched over 11,000 participants swap their race strategies for snack strategies.

And it wasn't just about refueling; it was a full-on feast! Beyond the street food, traditional snacks and marinated delights were spread out like a banquet, turning each aid station into a mini food festival. 

In a hilarious twist, the final aid station offered up Kaohsiung's signature mullet roe, leaving runners debating whether to dash for the finish line or pause for a gourmet bite.

The sight of marathoners queueing up for snacks, snapping selfies with their food finds, and playfully jostling for the last piece of calamari was a scene to behold. Who says you can't mix fitness with flavor? 

This marathon just rewrote the rulebook!

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#Kaohsiung#marathon#street food#runners#local cuisine#night market#Fubon Marathon#Kaohsiung Fubon Marathon food#street food at marathon aid stations#Kaohsiung marathon culinary experience
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