
Hsiao rallies for DPP in Hualien, attracts 2,000 supporters

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/11/26 14:44
Last update time:2023/11/26 14:44
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Hsiao rallies for DPP in Hualien, attracts 2,000 supporters (TVBS News) Hsiao rallies for DPP in Hualien, attracts 2,000 supporters
Hsiao rallies for DPP in Hualien, attracts 2,000 supporters (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In Hualien, on a drizzly Sunday morning (Nov. 26), Hsiao Bi-khim returned to the political frontline to rally support for Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative candidate Chang Mei-hui. Despite the unpleasant weather, the event attracted over 2,000 enthusiastic supporters.

Hsiao, a political veteran who faced her first electoral defeat in a 2010 by-election in Hualien, has been a persistent advocate for the region. In 2016, she made history by securing a 53.8% majority in Hualien, a first for the DPP in the area. However, she faced defeat in the 2020 legislative elections, losing to Fu Kun-chi by a narrow margin of 7,575 votes.


After her electoral loss, Hsiao was appointed to a diplomatic position in the United States, where she achieved notable foreign policy successes.

Chang Mei-hui, addressing the crowd, highlighted Hualien's developmental lag compared to Taitung and stressed the need for a representative who could continue the work of Hsiao and Chang's late husband, former Hualien Mayor Tien Chih-hsuan. She urged constituents to choose a candidate dedicated to serving the people.

Hualien, traditionally a Kuomintang (KMT) stronghold, has seen significant DPP advances, making the political landscape in the region a point of interest during election seasons.

DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, Premier Chen Chien-jen, Legislative Yuan President You Si-kun, former agriculture minister Chen Chi-chung, and DPP Legislator Fan Yun also appeared on stage to support Chang Mei-hui, highlighting the DPP's focus on winning seats in historically KMT-leaning areas.

National Elections

Taiwan Affairs

#Hsiao Bi-khim#Hualien#Tien Chih-hsuan#Chang Mei-hui#Chen Chien-jen#Lai Ching-te#Democratic Progressive Party#DPP#You Si-kun


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