
400+ affected by food poisoning at Vietnamese food stand

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/08/07 19:50
Last update time:2023/08/07 20:09
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400+ affected by food poisoning at Vietnamese food stand (TVBS News) 400+ affected by food poisoning at Vietnamese food stand
400+ affected by food poisoning at Vietnamese food stand (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Media reported a severe outbreak of food poisoning caused by consuming Vietnamese baguettes from "A-chen Banm Mi Vietnam" in Zhongli District, Taoyuan.

As of Sunday (Aug. 6), a shocking 422 individuals have been affected, resulting in a fine of NT$540,000 from the Department of Public Health in Taoyuan. Customers who ate from the establishment in the days before the outbreak began experiencing various symptoms such as chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 


Authorities have found that the eggs used in the custard preparation may have needed to be adequately cleaned, and the refrigerator to store food ingredients needed to be warmer. 

The homemade custard was also regularly transported at room temperature, which likely contributed to the outbreak. These conditions and the symptoms exhibited by those affected indicate a Salmonella infection.

The establishment's owner has been found to be violating the "Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation" by health authorities. The case will be referred to the Taoyuan District Prosecutors Office if pathogens are detected in subsequent human, environmental, and food sample tests.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#vietnam#Food Poisoning#Taoyuan


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