
Ko Wen-je warns of doom if election is lost

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/08/03 18:03
Last update time:2023/08/03 18:03
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Ko Wen-je warns of doom if election is lost (TVBS News) Ko Wen-je warns of doom if election is lost
Ko Wen-je warns of doom if election is lost (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan People's Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je argued on Thursday (Aug. 3) that "if he does not win the election, Taiwan will be doomed." Following a visit to the grassroots communities in the South, the TPP's presidential candidate described the situation as "too dire."

Cheng Yun-peng, a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator, criticized Ko for his remarks. Cheng accused Ko of having a frog-in-the-well mindset and a dictatorial mentality. According to Cheng, Ko could have explained how he would avoid Taiwan's downfall.


After eight years under Ko's administration, Cheng pointed out a public opinion poll indicating that Taipei City is already "doomed." Cheng asked Ko to clarify how he would prevent Taiwan from ending up like Taipei City.

Cheng further demanded Ko explain why he would be the only one capable of saving Taiwan. From Cheng's perspective, Ko's comments insinuate that he sees himself as extraordinarily talented. Cheng, however, mocked Ko as a "triple fail."

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Taiwan People’s Party#presidential election#Cheng Yun-peng#Democratic Progressive Party#Ko Wen-je


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