
Hou Yu-ih meets with LDP Member Kōichi Hagiuda, Tarō Asō

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/08/02 14:00
Last update time:2023/08/02 14:00
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Hou Yu-ih meets with LDP Member Kōichi Hagiuda, Tarō Asō (TVBS News) Hou Yu-ih meets with LDP Member Kōichi Hagiuda, Tarō Asō
Hou Yu-ih meets with LDP Member Kōichi Hagiuda, Tarō Asō (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih visited the LDP headquarters in Japan on Tuesday (Aug. 1), meeting with Kōichi Hagiuda and possibly former PM Tarō Asō.

Asō, dressed in a gray suit and dark hat, arrived at the headquarters around 3 p.m. to hold a private meeting with Hagiuda.


Speaking to the media, Hou emphasized strengthening Taiwan-Japan relations and thanked Japan for its support during the vaccine shortage.

The previous day, Hou visited the House of Representatives for a roundtable discussion with lawmakers and local Taiwanese representatives.

Hirofumi Ryu, acting secretary-general of the All-Party Parliamentary Groups, along with Members of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, attended the meeting.

Hou stressed that he will strive for "Stability in Taiwan strait, security in Taiwan, peace of mind in Japan" while emphasizing the expansion of substantial Taiwan-Japan relations and establishing closer ties with the international community.

He gave special thanks to Japan's contribution as the first country to offer support while Taiwan was coping with a vaccine shortage. He also expressed gratitude for Hagiuda's support for Taiwan's participation in international organizations such as CPTPP, WHA, and ICAO.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Politics#Hou Yu-ih#Kōichi Hagiuda#Tarō Asō


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