
New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih plans to visit the U.S. this fall

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/05/23 16:37
Last update time:2023/05/23 16:37
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NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih confirmed on Tuesday (May 23) that the opposition KMT is actively coordinating a potential visit to the United States in September. 

During a report meeting at the New Taipei City Police Department, the KMT presidential candidate expressed the party's commitment to connecting with friendly nations and individuals worldwide, emphasizing the importance of expanding Taiwan's global presence.


Hou highlighted the efforts of KMT colleagues based in the United States, who are diligently working towards making the necessary arrangements for the visit. "The more the merrier," he declared, underlining the party's desire to establish stronger ties and collaborations.

Addressing Taiwan's exclusion from the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) held in Geneva from May 21 to 30, Hou stressed the need for Taiwan to enhance its strength and gain further confidence. He urged unity and support from global allies, stating, "In the face of adversity, we must stand firmly and work together to join the WHA."

Hou said, "it is critical for Taiwan to strive to be stronger, and gain more confidence, which is why we need to unite and gain support from more global friends."

Highlighting the seven-year exclusion of Taiwan from the WHA, Hou reiterated the importance of collective action to overcome challenges. He expressed the party's commitment to following the KMT's steps and guidance, primarily focusing on raising international awareness regarding Taiwan's status and pursuing opportunities for collaboration.

Taiwan Affairs



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