
Terry Gou kickstarts presidential campaign in Tainan market

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/04/24 16:01
Last update time:2023/04/24 16:01
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TAINAN (TVBS News) — Terry Gou, the founder of Foxconn and 2024 presidential hopeful, began his campaign in southern Taiwan on Sunday (April 23), aiming to secure the Kuomintang's (KMT) nomination and challenge New Taipei City Mayor Hou You-yi's bid.

Gou's visit to the traditional market in Tainan City drew an enthusiastic response from supporters, who eagerly pushed forward to shake his hand and voiced their support for his candidacy. 


Despite protests against his bid, the billionaire remained composed and maintained a smile for his fans and the cameras.

As he addressed the crowd, Gou emphasized that "peace, prosperity, and integrity" were essential values for many Taiwanese citizens and pledged to uphold these principles throughout his campaign. 

The entrepreneur also received gifts of pineapples and radish dishes from food vendors, traditionally considered symbols of good fortune and success.

With the KMT nomination still undecided, Gou will continue to campaign to secure the party's nomination and become Taiwan's next president.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Foxconn#Terry Gou#Tainan City#2024 presidential election


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