
Contrasts between China and Taiwan resurface in standoff

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/04/11 18:30
Last update time:2023/04/11 18:30
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A navy frigate and a coast guard vessel called out a PLA navy vessel sailing in Taiwan's eastern waters on Monday (April 10).

The Taiwan Navy's frigate Yi Yang demanded that the PLA frigate Xuzhou leave the waters and would take necessary measures if they continued trespassing into the 24 nautical miles (nm) contiguous zone.


"Your actions are jeopardizing the peace, stability, and security of the Taiwan Strait. We urge you to leave immediately and avoid escalating the security risk." the Taiwan Navy said. 

The PLA Navy responded, "The 24nm contiguous zone doesn't exist. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China."

The Taiwan Navy then asked the vessel to leave, stating that the "country doesn't seek military confrontation, [it seeks] peace and stability."

And then the PLA Navy replied, "The PRC is the sole legal government representing whole China."

Taiwan's coast guard vessel Hualien also joined the standoff. And the three boats sailed back and forth from north to south in Tawian's eastern waters.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Navy#PLA Navy#Taiwan#China#coast guard


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