
Five ways to receive your NT$6,000 tax rebate

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/03/17 20:00
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TAIPEI (TVBS NEWS)  — Taiwanese nationals and eligible foreign residents can look forward to receiving NT$6,000 from the tax surplus of last year. 

There are five ways to receive the payment.


Beginning next Wednesday (March 22), you can register online at 6000.gov.tw to allow direct transfer to your bank account. 

Alternatively, cash can be withdrawn directly from ATMs using your bank card and the numbers of your ID and National Health Insurance (NHI) cards. 

A visit to the post office with the National Identification Card and NHI cards can also facilitate a cash withdrawal.

For specific groups, who receive labor insurance, pensions, elderly farmers' welfare allowance, and other pensions and allowances, the registration process is not required, as the money will be wired directly to their bank account. 

Residents in some remote townships, including Pingtung Shizi Township, Hualien Wanrung Township, and Taitung Jinfeng Township, will also receive the payment directly in their bank account after the local police station lists out the eligible people.

Regardless of the chosen method, you can expect to receive your NT$6,000 payout by mid-April at the earliest.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#tax surplus#cash#tax rebate#foreign residents


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