Former DPP chair entrusts Sisy Chen amid worsened cancer

記者 Scarlett Yu 報導

2023/12/05 21:40
Former DPP chair entrusts Sisy Chen amid worsened cancer (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In a heart-rending revelation on "TVBS Situation Room," media personality Sisy Chen disclosed on Monday (Dec. 4) that former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairman Shih Ming-teh, 82, is critically ill with liver cancer, and has entrusted her to look after his two daughters, which she expressed agitation at Shih's request.

According to an "Etoday" report by, Shih, a Catholic, mindful of the possibility of falling into a coma, called Chen from the hospital ward to leave his final wishes with her. Chen recounted the depressing tone in Shih's voice as he conceded defeat to his illness and asked for her promise to look after his daughters.


In a fiery retort to Shih, Chen said, "Of course, I will take care of your daughters, but why entrust your last words to someone who may die before you? I might die before you!"

Shih's battle with his recurring cancer led to his admission to Taipei Veterans General Hospital on Nov. 14, where he forwent Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization (TACE) instead of electrocauterization treatment—an approach that unfortunately did not yield positive results.

The former political figure suffered a severe hemorrhage recently, necessitating his return to the intensive care unit for emergency kidney dialysis as his condition became critical.





更新時間:2023/12/05 21:40