DPP legislator apologizes for extramarital affair

記者 Huang-Chi Ho 報導

2023/10/25 16:00

KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News) — Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Chao Tien-lin apologized on Tuesday (Oct. 24) for his extramarital affair that came to light a day earlier.

Speaking at his campaign office in Kaohsiung, Chao expressed regret over his infidelity and thanked his family for their support, promising to bear full responsibility for his actions.


Chao's affair with a Chinese national was exposed when intimate photos were widely shared online. The legislator first issued a statement in the middle of the night, saying his wife was aware of the situation and had forgiven him.

The legislator, who is running for re-election in the 6th electoral district of Kaohsiung City, has been married to his second wife for 16 years. They have frequently appeared together in public, often displaying affection, and were widely regarded as a "model couple" known for their public displays of affection (PDA).

The scandal has significantly damaged the couple's positive image built up on social media over the years. The affair has also been the subject of mockery among internet users who labeled him as "China-friendly" due to the nationality of his mistress.




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更新時間:2023/10/25 16:00