
Hou Yu-ih apologizes for leave, vows commitment to Taiwan

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/25 13:01
Last update time:2023/09/25 17:25
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KMT candidate apologizes for leave, vows commitment to Taiwan (TVBS News) Hou Yu-ih apologizes for leave, vows commitment to Taiwan
KMT candidate apologizes for leave, vows commitment to Taiwan (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih publicly apologized on Monday (Sept. 25) while visiting Longshan Temple in Wanhua District, for taking formal leave two days earlier to focus on his election campaign.

"I apologize to the citizens of New Taipei, but I won't forget; if there's an issue in New Taipei, it's my issue. I will never forget my responsibility to New Taipei," Hou said.


Hou, the mayor of New Taipei City, has apologized in response to accusations from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) that he "abandoned" his duty.

He emphasized his commitment to his responsibilities and stressed that safety is his top priority. Hou also expressed his aim to take on presidential duties and protect the nation.

He offered prayers for peace throughout Taiwan and expressed his hopes for the continued growth of the people and the economy. He is steadfast in his commitment to New Taipei's 2030 vision and reassured that his dedication to this goal will remain unwavering, he concluded. 

Taiwan Affairs

#Kuomintang#presidential candidate#apology#Longshan Temple#Wanhua District#formal leave#election campaign#citizens of New Taipei#responsibility#Democratic Progressive Party


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