Blackie Chen’s defamation trial begins amid #MeToo scandal

記者 Huang-Chi Ho 報導

2023/08/16 18:04

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — TV host and P.League+ founder, Blackie Chen, made a notable appearance at the Taipei District Prosecutors' Office on Wednesday (Aug. 16) for the inaugural court session of his defamation lawsuit against Tina Chou.

In an explosive Facebook post published on June 27, Chou leveled accusations against Chen, alleging he sexually harassed her during a business trip to Hong Kong in July 2012, a claim that quickly gained traction across the Internet.


In a swift response, Chen vehemently refuted the allegations. The following day, he and his spouse, singer Christine Fan, issued a legal statement, seeking NT$10 million (US$319,428) in compensation from Chou.

Nonetheless, on June 28, another actress named Yuan Kuo emerged, revealing in her own Facebook post two instances of alleged sexual harassment involving Chen—this revelation further inflamed public sentiment.

Next, on July 24, Chen retracted the civil lawsuit and pivoted to filing a defamation lawsuit against Chou. Chen's presence today marked his reappearance following a 50-day hiatus. He underscored his unwavering commitment to employing the legal framework to uphold his assertion of innocence.

As he took his leave, Chen bowed amidst a heavy downpour. Despite his outward composure, his reputation as a devoted husband has suffered irreparable damage, as a significant portion of the populace remains skeptical of his statements amid the Taiwan MeToo movement.



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更新時間:2023/08/16 18:04