Dengue fever resurfaces locally in Taipei after 3-year lull

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/08/10 20:48

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei City Mayor Chiang Wan-an inspected workers as they fumigated alleys in Datong District on Thursday (Aug. 10), a day after Taipei reported its first local dengue fever case in three years.

Chiang said that the workers disinfected the area within a 100-meter radius of the patient's residence twice, with particular attention to potted plants, waste tires, and tiny alleyways.


The teenage patient has a travel history in Tainan, where most dengue fever cases were identified at the end of July. 

He began experiencing a fever on July 30 and was subsequently confirmed to have dengue fever Wednesday.

According to Taipei City's Department of Health, the three family members residing with the patient and the nearby neighbors remain asymptomatic.

Imported cases of dengue fever in Taipei number 15, contributing to 16 cases this year, as the Department of Health reported.

The Department of Environmental Protection indicated that Taipei City underwent disinfection at the start of August as a preemptive measure against dengue fever.

In a related development, Hsinchu City documented its first dengue fever case this week. The patient had traveled to Tainan over the weekend and reportedly developed a fever on Monday after returning to Hsinchu.



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更新時間:2023/08/10 20:48