Taiwan reigns as top spender in Japan from April to June

記者 Isabel Wang 報導

2023/07/24 17:27

TOKYO (TVBS News) — The Japan Tourism Agency's latest report has revealed a remarkable surge in Taiwan's travel expenditure in Japan during the second quarter. From April to June, Taiwanese visitors spent a staggering NT$38.4 billion in the country, averaging NT$39,000 per traveler. 

This substantial spending has propelled Taiwan to the top of the list, outshining the United States, China, and South Korea, which secured second, third, and fourth positions, respectively.


The report also unveiled intriguing statistics about tourists' countries of origin for the year's first half. South Korea dominated the charts with a massive influx of 3.12 million visitors, while Taiwanese visitors closely followed with 1.77 million arrivals. The United States secured the third spot with 0.97 million tourists.

Delving into travel spending categories, the data highlighted that accommodation expenses topped the charts, amounting to approximately NT$93.2 billion. This was closely followed by shopping, with a total expenditure of NT$67.1 billion. Interestingly, this year's data contradicts the trend observed during the same period in 2019 when shopping expenses surpassed those of accommodation.

With the commencement of the summer travel season, the enthusiasm for travel has risen exponentially among Taiwanese tourists. While in Tokyo, one such visitor shared her reason for multiple visits to Japan, citing its proximity and cleanliness as significant factors. She also attributed her visits to the depreciation of the Japanese yen, making it an attractive destination.

Moreover, a comparative analysis between the current year and 2019 indicates a 23% increase in Taiwanese consumption from April to June, primarily in shopping, amounting to NT$14.5 billion.

更新時間:2023/07/24 17:27