Dwight Howard shares secret recipe to become a great leader

記者 Isabel Wang 報導

2023/05/29 17:24

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Eight-time All-NBA Team honoree Dwight Howard, currently playing for the Taiwan-based Taoyuan Leopards since November last year, shares in an exclusive interview with TVBS on Friday (May 19) the secrets to keep being passionate about basketball, and leadership qualities he admires most. 

His parents called him the 'miracle boy' since his mother suffered several miscarriages. Feeling grateful for all he has experienced throughout his basketball career, the 38-year-old American professional player said: "I wasn't supposed to make it to this age at all, so it is a miracle that I'm here."


Asked if there is any secret to his success, Howard humbly said, "I just pushed myself to get to that level," and gave all the credit to friends and family for being supportive when facing ups and downs playing basketball. 

Often seen on the basketball field encouraging his Taoyuan Leopards teammates, Howard emphasized an important leadership ability that is less discussed - the ability to follow and serve. The greatest leaders, in his view, "become those leaders because they serve first."

Howard also emphasized key elements each basketball player should have to strive and achieve: hard work, dedication, sacrifice, and diligence. More importantly, to become a successful basketball player, one has to enjoy and love the sport.  





更新時間:2023/05/29 17:24