Taiwan surprisingly featured in Republicans’ AI-generated ad

記者 Dimtiri Bruyas 報導

2023/04/26 14:59

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — An AI-generated video produced by the Republican National Committee (RNC) depicting Taiwan being invaded by China in the event of Joe Biden's re-election in 2024 has raised concerns among Taiwanese residents on Wednesday (April 26).

The ad, which features images entirely created by artificial intelligence (AI), presents the RNC's twisted vision of what the world may look like if Biden wins the presidency again in 2024.


"This morning, an emboldened China invades Taiwan," a fake news announcer said, followed by scenes that stoke fears of a financial crisis, asylum seekers, and the "escalating crime and the fentanyl crisis."

The RNC confirmed that it was the first time it had used a video made entirely with AI. The ad begins with an image of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris at an election victory party. A faint disclaimer in the top-left corner notes the ad was "built entirely with AI imagery."

The video has raised concerns about using AI-generated images to promote political campaigns. While this ad doesn't stray too far from the kinds of talking points one might expect Republicans to hit in an attack ad, it's a sobering bellwether of what we may see more of from political campaigns in the months and years to come.

With AI-generated images capable of depicting outright falsehoods in attack ads, the potential impact on elections is significant.





更新時間:2023/04/26 15:42