Ma Ying-jeou travels to Hunan with TAO Director Song Tao

記者 Jamie Lin Pinzon 報導

2023/04/01 09:05

CHANGSHA, HUNAN (TVBS News) — Former President Ma Ying-jeou and China's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) Director Song Tao traveled together by high-speed rail to Hunan on Friday (March 31).

During the journey, they discussed the features of the train, emphasizing the differences between the high-speed rail systems in Taiwan and China.


Upon arrival, Ma, who is on a 12-day journey to China, headed to his mother's former school, ZhouNan High School. He was joined by his sisters, who had traveled from Shanghai and Xiamen to meet him.

Ma's arrival attracted the attention of bystanders who came to see him. He briefly interacted with them before visiting the school where Ma's mother had studied.

Ma served as president of Taiwan from 2008 to 2016 and is known for his pro-China stance. His visit to Hunan with the TAO director has raised eyebrows. 

The China trip comes when cross-strait relations are strained due to China's increased military activities in the region.

Ma's visit to China is a positive step in promoting cross-strait exchanges and understanding. 

Despite the current tensions, the former president's trip highlights the importance of cultural heritage and the potential for cultural exchanges to foster peace and cooperation between Taiwan and China.





更新時間:2023/04/01 09:05