Foxconn Founder Terry Gou discusses tech, Taiwan’s economy

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/03/30 13:45

WASHINGTON (TVBS News) —  Foxconn Founder Terry Gou departed for the United States on March 27 for a 12-day trip to discuss technology, innovation, and Taiwan's economy with experts.

Departing two days earlier than Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, Gou arrived in Washington D.C. and gave a speech on March 28 (Tuesday) to the Monte Jade Taiwan group. 


He remarked that the current trip is a "pioneering journey" for him in "exploring the frontiers of innovation and technology in the economy."

He argued that politics had over-consumed many aspects of Taiwan while economic development had been neglected.

Gou plans to attend an AI forum at the University of Maryland in the upcoming days and meet with Taiwanese expats and deans from the medical and business schools of Harvard University. 





更新時間:2023/03/30 13:45