Taiwan kidults drive high-end toy sales

記者 Vivian Hsiao 報導

2023/01/23 08:00

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — When you enter most offices in Taiwan, you will likely see toy figurines spread out on desktops or hanging from computers. 
For many office workers, these toys are a source of comfort.


Nowadays, action figure manufacturers combine the latest technology with cute designs based on animals or other soothing elements to create figurines that are both practical and comforting to office workers.

Huang Chih-peng, a CEO of a local toy company shared, "When designing our products, aside from making them collectibles or for play, we also try to make them practical."

Gesturing to a small toy in his hand, he continued explaining, "we have turned every figurine into stationery such as eraser, and the one in my hand is a stapler."

According to a study conducted in the U.K., of every 11 toys sold, one is purchased by an adult. 

In particular, millennials aged between 18 and 34 were among the most common buyers. Despite the low birth rate in Taiwan, the toy market is at an all-time high.

Toy manufacturers also point out that with many companies rolling out vintage figurines from old TV shows or cartoons, nostalgia also plays a role in young adults purchasing more action figures, whether for play, collection purposes, or in the hopes of re-selling them in the future.

With the steady increase of sales in the toy market, businesses have also rolled out "blind box" toys. 

The box obscures the object within, so buyers will have to try their luck to fill their collection. By combining IP (intellectual property) with cute designs,
these toy manufacturers have hit the nail on the head of collectors' hearts.

The toy industry is expected to expand more in the future; but instead of relying on children, it is now hoping to attract more adults to purchase and collect.





更新時間:2023/01/17 19:16