美國路易斯安那州(Louisiana)當地時間23日上午因南部沼澤大火引發「超級霧」(superfog),導致158輛車在紐奧良(New Orleans)的55號州際公路(Interstate 55)上連環撞,許多車輛不只變形還起火燃燒,造成至少7死25傷,隨著急救工作持續進行,傷亡人數恐持續攀升。
Once the #superfog cleared the extent of the #pileup on I-55 west of New Orleans could be captured by air ...
The extent of the damage is massive, with car fires and cars off the bridge. Sadly, we are hearing of fatalities as a result of the pileup. pic.twitter.com/hJOT5VtzRV— WeatherNation (@WeatherNation) October 23, 2023
41歲的科爾(Christopher Coll)是捲入這場意外的司機,他描述,「事發當下一輛F-250突然開上我的車頂,我立刻踩下剎車並放慢速度,但還是聽到汽車相撞和爆胎的聲音,接著就聞到煙味」,隨後他迅速踢開車門逃跑,接著幫忙拉出其他受困駕駛。
另一名受害者里德(Clarencia Patterson Reed)透露,事發當下她看到有人揮手示意她停車,隨後就被兩輛車從後方和側面追撞,「轟隆隆的碰撞聲響持續近30分鐘,我成功地從車裡爬了出來,但妻子被困在車裡,腿部和側身都受了傷。」
A "super fog" in Louisiana caused a multi-car pileup on I-55 near New Orleans after severely reducing visibility, police say.
Gov. John Bel Edwards confirmed that there were fatalities in the crash, but did not say how many people were killed or injured. https://t.co/iH0E5sVDio pic.twitter.com/Zg3IhrS75v— ABC News (@ABC) October 23, 2023 