Search continues for missing 2 Chinese fishermen
Taipei: Mainland China fishing boat capsizes off Dongding Island, leaving 2 dead and 2 missing. Coast guard in frantic search as hope hangs on the critical 72-hour window.
2024/03/15 12:10
Taiwan’s navy extends search for missing servicemen
Taiwan’s R.O.C. Naval Fleet Command continues its search for three missing servicemen who fell overboard from the Hai Hu Submarine on December 21. Despite the 72-hour rescue window passing, the Navy has ordered an additional three-day search. The families of the missing servicemen will be transported to the accident spot on December 27. The wife of one of the missing crew members has made an emotional plea for assistance in the search. Families have suggested moving the search south based on sea current directions. President Tsai Ing-wen visited the recovered crew and comforted the families, vowing to continue the search. The search and rescue effort involves approximately 900 personnel, 80 aircraft, 76 ships, and 319 vehicles, covering an operational area from south of Kaohsiung Port to Hengchun and along the coast of Xiaoliuqiu.
2023/12/27 10:40
New Taipei boosts yellow-line parking, targets 150 sections
New Taipei City’s Department of Transportation is actively working to improve over 150 sections of yellow-line parking by February 2024, in response to a provisional ordinance by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) that acknowledged the scarcity of temporary parking spaces in metropolitan areas. The department has already completed over 60 conversions from red to yellow lines, prioritizing areas near MRT stations, hospitals, schools, taxi infraction hotspots, and areas with high temporary parking demands. These adjustments are carefully implemented to ensure a minimum lane width of 5 meters and avoid prohibited areas. Yellow-lined streets have a no-parking window from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., allowing only for quick drop-offs, pick-ups, or loading. The MOTC requires that every 100 to 150-meter stretch of red-line roadside have at least 10% allocated for temporary parking. Until these provisions are met, parking violators will face fines ranging from NT$300 to NT$600.
2023/12/04 21:14
TPP Cynthia Wu makes brief Yilan temple visit amid criticism
Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) vice-presidential candidate Cynthia Wu and legislative candidate Chen Wan-hui visited Nanfangao Nantian Temple in Yilan on Saturday morning. Wu, who has faced criticism online for allegedly having a "princess syndrome," chose to remain silent when approached by journalists. After spending less than 30 minutes at the temple, Wu left the scene in good spirits, communicating through gestures from her car window. Chen praised Wu for her friendly demeanor and support for digital healthcare and transformation initiatives. Chen also emphasized that Wu is approachable, though not as accustomed to facing the public as former mayor Ko Wen-je. The brief visit was due to subsequent scheduling commitments, with Chen promising to invite Wu back to Yilan for local delicacies in the future.
2023/12/02 18:00
北證50指數月漲46% 傳北交所對大股東祭「禁賣令」
北證50指數今(27)日一度沖高漲超12%,創年內新高,本月已飆升46%,北京證交所232檔個股也全線飄紅;知情人士指出,北交所擔心行情高漲引發大股東出手賣股,引發資金集體出逃,澆熄這波漲勢,決定「窗口指導」(window guidance,以口頭方式作出指示)祭出「限賣令」,禁止上市公司大股東出售持股。
2023/11/27 16:57
AI is Taiwan’s next window of opportunity, says Lai Ching-te
Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global supply chain through AI technology at the 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Annual Conference. Learn more about his insights on AI’s significance and its impact on Taiwan’s future.
2023/09/15 19:45
小人國英文是Window On China?真實寓意曝光
「小人國主題樂園」是不少家長帶小孩放風的好所在,不過近日有網友開車經過時,無意間發現路邊的指示牌,上頭英文竟標註「Window On China」,讓他相當不解,貼文曝光後,也隨即釣出知情人解答。
2022/10/03 17:23
台灣微軟旗下「Windows」的官方臉書粉絲團驚傳被盜,今(4)天上午11點左右,「Windows」 粉專的封面圖片和大頭貼都遭刪除,公司地址還被變更為越南胡志明市,截至到下午6點為止,狀況並未排除,粉專呈現無法瀏覽的情況。
2022/07/04 19:00
方念華的第一次給了她 《TVBS看板人物》教母張小燕
2016/11/21 19:30
陸宣布禁用Win8 疑對美洩密案報復
美國司法部起訴大陸五名軍官,涉嫌駭進美國企業,竊取商業機密,大陸官方出面嚴詞否認,今天還進一步宣布,即日起,所有大陸公家機關,禁止使用微軟的Window 8作業系統,外界解讀,這是大陸對美國採取的報復行動。
2014/05/21 13:30
要網購手機下單搞定 一小時送到家
eBay在紐約設立了一個櫥窗,經過的路人可以來個Window shopping,裡面除了有櫥窗擺設之外,還有觸控螢幕可以選購你想要的商品,然後再利用自己的手機連線下訂單,一個小時內就可以快遞送到你家,貨到之後,透過PAYPAL付費,這樣的購物模式前所未有,也替eBay增加了零售銷售通路,而且在櫥窗觸控螢幕上有個感應裝置,可以知道每天每小時有多少客流經過,有多少人上前來觸控,這些都是重要的行銷分析資料,有助於了解每一個地點的銷售狀況。
2013/06/18 14:56
微軟坦承「Win 8難用」 年底將大改版
微軟去年10月推出Windows 8,開賣半年,號稱授權銷量有1億套,打平Windows 7的銷售速度,但使用過Window 8的人,經常抱怨實在不好用,特別是沒有「開始」鍵,操作相當不易,微軟首度公開承認,Windows 8設計有問題,年底將推出Windows Blue來補救錯誤,金融時報形容,Window 8這次的失敗,跟30年前可口可樂推新配方,最後匆匆下架一樣,是一大敗筆。
2013/05/08 22:01
擠下亞馬遜 華碩躍居全球平板三哥
今年全球第一季平板電腦出貨數字出爐,台灣品牌廠華碩,不僅年成長率高達3.5倍,全球排名更擠下亞馬遜,登上全球市佔三哥寶座,華碩預估,今年平板出貨可達1200萬台,市佔率也可望維持在5%到10%,如果下半年需求增加,出貨目標還可能再度上修,而宏�同樣也要藉著平板電腦大反攻,3日在紐約的發表會上,預計將推出結合NB、一體成型電腦和平板的變形機種,另外還將推出Window 8的8吋平板,切入小尺寸平板市場。
2013/05/03 12:39
筆電搭載WIN8 本土業者絕地反攻
微軟Window 8上市不到1星期,據說已經賣出超過400萬套,台灣本土電腦業者也在此時推出搭載WIN 8的系列筆電和平板電腦。
2012/11/01 10:42
日系筆電新機種 強調觸控操控感
隨著Window 8作業系統推出,也掀起筆電大戰。
2012/10/25 06:08
杜拜新運動法 到商場吹冷氣健走
炎炎夏日,到戶外做運動一定是汗流浹背,一年四季都受到高溫煎熬的杜拜人,最近卻流行健走運動,不過不是到戶外去,而是跑到有冷氣吹的大型購物中心,走一圈下來大約是1公里,一邊健走,還可以一邊看櫥窗,來場「Window shopping」。
2009/09/08 22:33
視窗VISTA今上市 全球同步開賣
如果您的電腦作業系統,是使用WINDOWS,微軟公司今天正式宣告,您用的版本已經過時了!微軟推出取代Window 2000以及XP系統的 最新Vista系統,全球今天同步開賣,微軟誓言,全球有將近1億人,馬上會更換成這個系統,今年賣出的電腦,也有超過7成,也會改用新的VISTA版本。
2007/01/30 22:23
世貿倒塌後 頂樓餐廳異地重開
紐約雙子星大樓的頂層原本有一家聞名全球的景觀餐廳,叫做「世界之窗」(window of the world),是很多人造訪紐約的共同記憶,不過911恐怖攻擊當天,這家餐廳隨著大樓倒塌變成歷史。僥倖逃過一劫的員工,現在要把餐廳重新開張。
2005/09/13 18:30
微軟主動出擊! 搜盜版XP軟體 業者不服
美國微軟公司今天和警方到台中逢甲商圈,查緝違法使用WINDOW XP作業系統的電腦商店,結果業者不相信警察身份,雙方發生口角衝突,業者進一步質疑微軟找上基層電腦商店,根本沒辦法阻絕違法盜用問題。
2004/10/01 18:13
疾風病毒入侵 台灣十萬電腦當機
2003/08/12 17:33