免70萬開進口車!新年式MAZDA2登場 專屬黑化升級超搶眼
由泰國進口導入台灣的馬自達小型掀背車Mazda2,在2023年8月推出小改款後,僅剩下單一15S Urban Sport車型,建議售價78.9萬元,然而,台灣馬自達在2024年11月12日改推出Mazda2 15S Midnight Edition後,同步降價9萬元,讓國內消費者只要69.9萬元就能坐擁進口小掀背。
2024/11/13 21:51
2百萬有找!Kia EV6特仕版亮相 專屬塗裝+配備一次看
為了慶祝Kia電動車在台灣市場銷量突破2,000台,以及台灣森那美起亞成立十週年,Kia總代理台灣森那美起亞於2024年11月1日正式宣佈限量推出Kia EV6 Inspiring Edition,售價為新台幣199.9萬元。凡即刻入主的消費者,將可享受價值12萬元的專屬升級。後續這款特別版車型,也於11月8日舉辦的媒體賞車會當中亮相,讓現場媒體一睹這款創新電動車的實車風貌。
2024/11/10 16:13
Yoshi pastries now NT$900 for eight, citing cost hikes
Yoshi Bakery in Taipei will open pre-orders for its popular salted egg yolk pastries on Nov. 19. The new 8-piece box costs NT$900. Orders are limited to five boxes per person.
2024/11/05 13:59
199.9萬!Kia推全新限量車型 入主享價值12萬專屬升級
為慶祝Kia在台灣的電動車銷售突破2,000台,同時歡慶台灣森那美起亞成立10週年,Kia台灣總代理台灣森那美起亞於2024年11月1日推出全新限量車型Kia EV6 Inspiring Edition,以獨特設計與多項專屬升級,滿足消費者對電動車的高需求。
2024/11/02 21:10
特價107.9萬元!馬自達限定車型登場 入主指定款還享優惠
台灣馬自達於2024年11月1日發表全新限定車型Mazda CX-5 Moonlight Edition,結合耀眼外觀升級與豪華配備,期間限定特價107.9萬元。該車型不僅延續Mazda CX-5 20S Select的豐富標配,更限時升級霧銀車頂行李架、霧銀車外後視鏡等原廠精品套件,替車主打造專屬外型搭配。
2024/11/02 17:19
美實境秀《改頭換面:家庭版》男星加州遭砍殺身亡 享年58歲
根據美國加州警方資料,住宅改造實境節目「改頭換面:家庭版」(Extreme Makeover: Home Edition)電視明星愛德華多索爾(Eduardo Xol)本月20日過世,享年58歲。
2024/09/26 10:10
越野性能再升級!賓士G-Class全新登場 最低698萬起
誕生於1979年的G-Class,始終傳承經典硬派元素,以征服地表的絕對強勢性能,令追隨者遍佈全球。45年來,G-Class也鮮少改變過它經典的外型,運用方正外觀、圓頭燈、方向燈等元素,都能讓人一眼認出;而台灣賓士也在本週宣布引進全新G-Class大軍,以全新G450 d、G500、G63 三款燃油車型打頭陣搭配上純電的G580 Edition One,一共四款大G,呈現Mercedes-Benz 對專精技術與卓越品質的極致追求。
2024/09/07 11:37
賓士「純電大G」來了!4馬達超狂扭力+原地迴轉 發表會時間曝
2024/08/22 17:14
準備停產起手式?美規Nissan Altima拔渦輪引擎 馬力剩191匹
先前《地球黃金線》有報導,去年就傳聞Nissan有意停產包括入門的Versa (即曾經在台灣的Tiida四門美規版) 和中大型房車Altima,這是考量銷量下滑與品牌轉型策略的一部分。而最新資訊指出,北美Nissan將從2025年式開始,對Altima進行動力配置調整,捨棄具備可變壓縮比技術的2.0升VC-Turbo渦輪引擎,僅提供2.5升直列4缸自然進氣引擎,外媒猜測這很可能就是在準備要讓Altima下台一鞠躬的調整。
2024/08/21 15:25
全球限量17台!Carmel Edition圓石灘車展登場 24克拉黃金打造1物
JLR日前在圓石灘車展中發表全新限量Range Rover SV Carmel Edition,這款車具備全球限量17部的特殊身份,成為車迷關注焦點。作為JLR家族中的一員,Range Rover SV Carmel Edition不僅展現強悍性能,同時也體現JLR在高端定製服務領域的非凡實力。
2024/08/20 11:14
巴黎奧運/三星傻眼!送選手特別版手機被放網拍 最貴炒到32萬
作為巴黎奧運手機獨家贊助廠商,南韓三星電子(Samsung Electronics) 7月發表Galaxy Z Flip6奧運特別版(Olympic Edition)手機,專提供給奧運與帕運參賽運動員,且開放選手頒獎時自拍。然而,南韓媒體報導,近日這款手機竟被放上二手拍網站,最高價還被炒到約32萬新台幣。
2024/08/07 16:40
Golf週年慶!最高「降價30萬元」 GTI、Golf R經典款問世
從1974年問世至今,Volkswagen最具代表性的中型掀背車款Golf車系已經問世滿50週年,為慶祝Golf走過半百歲月,Volkswagen Taiwan不但舉辦品牌嘉年華活動,更以Golf GTI與Golf R為基礎打造兩款The Golf Edition 50經典紀念款,透過配備升級強化戰力並分別開出145.8萬元與199.8萬元建議售價。相較於標準Golf GTI與Golf R兩款車型分別降價30萬元與14萬元,但各僅有50輛額度,以優惠價格回饋支持Golf的死忠粉絲。
2024/05/11 11:51
俄推土豪版Vision Pro!18K金打造要價衝破百萬
蘋果去年推出首款空間運算設備Vision Pro,並在今年2月於美國率先開賣,儘管要價3499美元起(約11萬新台幣),仍吸引眾多果迷爭相入手,近期有奢侈品牌「Caviar」推出18K金版本的Vision Pro,要價突破百萬,令人瞠目結舌。
2024/03/18 10:15
比亞迪新混合動力車只賣35萬 陸網熱議老車主卻傻眼
中國電動車大廠比亞迪(BYD),近日在大陸市場推出全新車款「秦Plus DM-i」榮耀版。該車款為插電式混合動力四門房車,起價竟然只需人民幣7萬9800元、折合約新台幣35萬元,具有極大的價格競爭與破壞力,很快就引起對岸消費者熱議。根據BYD比亞迪社群頻道聲明,此款車型的價格將立下新標竿,並把汽油車視為其主要競爭對手。陸媒報導也點出,「秦Plus DM-i Glory Edition」榮耀版的售價,甚至比福斯(VW)Lavida等同樣暢銷的同尺寸入門車型便宜15%,甚至比Toyota Corolla便宜超過40%。
2024/02/27 10:11
Taipei Mayor to ride revamped gondola during LNY
Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an plans to take his family on a ride on the newly renovated Maokong Gondola during the Lunar New Year holidays to visit the zoo. The gondola cabins have been redesigned in collaboration with "Animal Rescue Team Taiwan" and the popular "Maji Meow" (cat) to promote animal conservation, rescue efforts, and life education. From Feb. 3 to Feb. 14, customers who purchase three one-day passes will receive a limited edition New Year magnet set. Each one-day pass purchase also includes a single limited edition magnet. The cabins feature images of the gondola’s mascots, including the "Landlord" (a sloth), the Maji Cat, EMMA, and a calf. QR codes inside the cabins provide access to real conservation stories, promoting respect for all life and equality among creatures. Visitors to the Camphor Tree Trail during the New Year period can enjoy blooming lupines, the "Maokong Light Halo" at night, and sporadic God of Wealth blessings at various gondola stations. Limited quantities of sweets and cookies will be given away at the gondola stations from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Feb. 10 to Feb. 12.
2024/02/02 16:03
Taipei Game Show 2024 opens to massive crowds and excitement
The Taipei Game Show, featuring over 300 games, opened to a crowd of nearly a thousand enthusiastic gamers who braved the cold temperatures and long waits. Despite some complaints about ticket scalpers and system malfunctions, the event was a major success, drawing in over 350,000 visitors over its four-day run. Nintendo’s return to the exhibition was a major highlight, with meet-and-greet sessions featuring beloved characters like Mario and Pikachu, and over a hundred machines available for trial of more than 25 games. With exhibitors given ample time to design their booths, the 2024 edition of the show was the largest in recent years.
2024/01/25 16:11
百貨春節福袋爽抽鑽石、BMW汽車 刮刮卡天天送哀鳳
春節福袋又來了,百貨新光三越台北信義新天地推出「龍轉運轉好運福袋」,明(24)日於APP上開賣,skm points100點加上skm pay1000元就能買到,今年基本品內含5個專櫃級明星商品,像是TESCOM吹風機、KINYO果汁機、SABON磨砂膏、Apivita護唇膏等,市價超過3000元;抽獎最大獎則祭出價值181萬元的BMW 118i Edition M(Alpine White),還有價值14.5萬的鑽石、宏佳騰智慧電車Ai-1 Ultra ABS等。
2024/01/23 10:22
Taiwan launches coveted dragon zodiac coins amid frenzy
Limited edition dragon year zodiac commemorative coins are being sold by Taiwan’s Central Bank, with 45,000 sets available at the Bank of Taiwan’s counters. Queues formed as early as 4 a.m. despite the cold weather, and each buyer can purchase only two sets per turn. Online pre-orders sold out within 3 hours, and the resale price has surged to NT$3,000 from the original price of NT$1,900.
2024/01/22 12:15
Exclusive Taiwan Railways iPASS cards on sale Dec. 31
Taiwan Railway Corp. has collaborated with iPASS Corporation to create a collection of limited-edition commemorative pass cards. These exclusive items showcase the new corporate image of Taiwan Railway Corp. The "Taiwan Railway Corp. Commemorative Deluxe iPASS Set" includes two pass cards in an orange and blue design, priced at NT$399. Another option is the "Taiwan Railway Corp. Commemorative Deluxe Shaped iPASS," which sells for NT$599 and features a semi-transparent light-permeable logo paired with a leather pendant inspired by the Taiwan Railways logo. Sales for these commemorative cards will begin on December 31 at 10 a.m., with a limit of six sets per person. The cards can be purchased through TaiwanRailwayShop’s online store and physical retail locations until stock runs out.
2023/12/26 17:13
JINS, guide dog association launch bandana set for charity
JINS and the Taiwan Guide Dog Association have collaborated to release a limited edition ’Matching Bandana Set’ for pets and owners, with proceeds going to support guide dogs. The collection draws inspiration from parent-child outfits, featuring dogs leading their owners on outdoor adventures. Celebrity Ada Pan endorses the campaign, hoping to raise awareness and funds for the guide dog program.
2023/12/07 18:49
時代的眼淚再+1!蘋果Apple Watch Series 1遭列入過時產品
蘋果日前才剛將第1代Apple Watch(又稱Apple Watch Series 0)列入「停產名單」,其中包含台灣售價34萬起跳的18K金 Apple Watch Edition,近日官方再把Apple Watch Series 1列入「過時產品」清單,代表又一款Apple Watch遭到淘汰。
2023/10/16 09:29
再貴也沒得修!蘋果34萬元18K金Apple Watch走入歷史
蘋果在2015年開賣第1代Apple Watch,宣告進軍智慧型穿戴裝置市場,而這款劃時代產品如今也被蘋果淘汰,未來官方不再提供維修服務。
2023/10/06 08:29
不能沒有義式冰淇淋!Fiat推世界最小冰淇淋車 加碼特製新口味
2023/09/01 17:44
Audi e-tron GT「視覺性能雙升級」 價格曝光
從去年底Audi Taiwan就為旗下車款導入一系列外觀黑化、同時配備也有感的Black Edition特仕車來強化產品競爭力,而8月份時就輪到目前旗下純電跑旅e-tron GT車系來接受黑化工程;而特別的是除了e-tron GT有Black Edition之外,性能旗艦RS e-tron GT也有黑化特仕車而且還是更進階的 碳纖維Carbon Esition!雙車型分別以481萬與646萬的價格上市開賣。
2023/08/04 14:34
Taiwan’s military gears up training for Han Kuang exercises
An Avenger Air Defense System was spotted in New Taipei City’s Bali District as Taiwan’s military prepares for the 39th edition of the Han Kuang exercises.
2023/07/12 16:10