Kia EV Day首度移師海外!EV3台灣上市前率先現身
EV3歐規報價出爐後不久,Kia首度將Kia EV Day活動移師海外,於台灣台北表演藝術中心舉辦首屆Kia EV Day Asia Pacific活動,邀請亞太市場合作夥伴與媒體於台灣一睹Kia未來電動車戰略,同時展出Concept EV4與Concept PV5兩款概念作品,同步展出EV3、EV5與EV9等3款純電作品。其中,EV3有望於2025年中左右進入台灣市場,若以歐規車型售價推估,台灣引進價格恐上看139萬元至188萬元之間。
2024/11/14 22:20
救中國市場!Audi捨四環標誌 推全新「AUDI」電動車品牌
2024/11/08 14:46
Kia EV9電動休旅車推越野版!SEMA展將亮相「2新作」
2024/11/01 22:42
2025量產上市!三菱休旅車DST Concept亮相 寬敞空間曝
Mitsubishi在2024年菲律賓國際車展上,揭露全新概念車DST Concept的神秘面紗。這款全新概念SUV同時展示了該品牌未來的設計走向,同時也凸顯Mitsubishi在SUV市場中的野心。透過DST Concept,Mitsubishi希望以中型車身尺碼打造三排七人座布局,提供乘客的舒適與空間表現兼具的用車體驗。
2024/10/27 16:08
Taiwan urges China to respect its historical significance
Premier Cho Jung-tai questions China’s stance on Taiwan’s National Day, while President Lai Ching-te’s remarks on the "motherland" concept draw global attention.
2024/10/08 17:34
Taiwan premier challenges China’s stance on National Day
Premier Cho Jung-tai challenges China’s stance on Taiwan’s National Day, urging recognition of the Republic of China. President Lai’s "motherland" concept sparks debate. Observers watch for China’s response.
2024/10/08 10:31
2025年正式投產!Acura高性能純電休旅搶先看 跑旅外型霸氣感十足
不久之前,Acura才宣布將在近期開展的蒙特雷汽車週 (Monterey Car Week) 上發表全新的高性能概念電動休旅,如今,在展覽正式開始之前,Acura就率先釋出車款全貌,分享名為Performance EV Concept的最新概念作品。Acura強調,這款車型將會以性能為中心進行開發,同時也將成為未來新車的開發方向,Performance EV Concept更會在未來正式量產。
2024/08/16 15:32
全台首間「Gelato Pique」!限定可麗餅 蜷尾家聯名一次看
最可愛的熊熊咖啡廳誕生了!台日高人氣可麗餅專賣店「Gelato Pique Café」,即日起在LaLaport台中北館開幕,這間是Gelato Pique Café BIO CONCEPT海外首家,也是全球第3家的BIO CONCEPT店,除了有可麗餅還有鹹食可點,更吃得到蜷尾家冰淇淋,還有5月限定的小熊可麗餅,與一系列小熊茶包、帆布袋、杯子等等,5大亮點一次整理,熊粉快朝聖!
2024/05/04 21:43
零到百僅1.9秒!MG概念超跑「子彈車身」亮相 Cyberster特別版超吸睛
在台灣市場擁有超高人氣的MG汽車,今年在北京車展當中也展出多款作品,例如台灣車迷不斷敲碗的MG4、MG7之外,由於今年適逢該品牌創立100週年,因此MG特別亮相了全新概念車EXE181以及Cyberster紅色敞篷版。同時,預計在今年7月舉辦的Goodwood festival of speed當中,MG也將成為本次官方贊助商,因此可以推測概念車EXE181以及Cyberster紅色敞篷版這兩款車也將有望在年度車壇盛事當中出現。
2024/04/28 13:41
Taiwan Navy Chief to strengthen US ties amid China threats
Taiwan’s navy chief Tang Hua to visit U.S. for military ceremony and naval cooperation talks amid China threats. Tang’s visit part of U.S. "Joint Island Defence Concept" initiative. Plans for meeting with U.S. chief of naval operations Admiral Lisa Franchetti underway.
2024/03/29 16:41
Hsinchu City hosts fire safety event for kindergarteners
The Hsinchu City Government hosts a fire safety experience event for kindergarteners, featuring hands-on activities and interactive demonstrations to instill disaster prevention education in children through engaging activities. The event aims to teach disaster response skills and cultivate a correct concept of disaster prevention, emphasizing the importance of public safety from an early age.
2024/03/25 17:46
Taiwan to launch 320 civilian emergency response teams
The Executive Yuan unveils plans for the Taiwan Community Emergency Response Team (T-CERT) in a recent policy report, aiming to establish 320 teams with 8,000 members within five years. Training will involve various sectors, drawing parallels to the civilian defense concept of the Kuma Academy. Despite opposition from Kuomintang legislators, the initiative focuses on disaster response, not military operations, in line with Taiwan’s Disaster Prevention and Protection Act. The teams, inspired by FEMA recommendations, are supported by the Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of National Defense.
2024/02/20 16:37
KMT candidate challenges Tsai’s stance on "One China" policy
Kuomintang (KMT) vice presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong criticizes President Tsai Ing-wen’s acceptance of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s statements, arguing that the "One China" concept in the 1992 Consensus refers to the Republic of China and not the People’s Republic of China. Jaw emphasizes that "One China" is the Republic of China, which predates the People’s Republic of China by 38 years and highlights its status as Asia’s first democratic republic. He rebuts claims that the KMT’s agreement to the 1992 Consensus poses dangers to Taiwan, stating that the consensus is meant to end the argument and focus on individual duties. Jaw also argues that Tsai’s actions depict a pro-independence stance, despite her verbal denial.
2024/01/02 14:12
Eslite Xinyi’s closure sparks nostalgia for Chen Shui-bian
Former President Chen Shui-bian expresses nostalgia and regret as the popular Eslite Xinyi Store in Taipei closes its doors on Christmas Eve 2023. Reflecting on the closure of the world’s first 24-hour bookstore, Eslite Dunnan branch, Chen emphasizes the significance of Eslite in Taipei. He recalls the store’s relocation in 1995, which sparked the concept of 24-hour service and became a landmark in Taipei tourism. Chen expresses gratitude to the Shin Kong Group for their 25-year commitment to the Eslite Dunnan store. The closure of the Eslite Xinyi Store, where Chen has many youthful memories, weighs heavily on him.
2023/12/27 10:05
KMT’s Hou Yu-ih questions DPP’s energy policies
Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih raises questions about Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate Lai Ching-te’s energy policy during a policy presentation. Hou specifically probes Lai’s stance on the "nuclear-free homeland" policy and his attitude toward nuclear power generation. Hou questions Lai’s viewpoints, suggesting that if Lai believes "nuclear units cannot be stopped," it implies Taiwan’s nuclear power plants may need to extend their lifespan. Hou also criticizes Lai’s "clean coal" concept and its potential impact on the prevalence of pulmonary adenocarcinoma in Taiwan. Furthermore, Hou criticizes the DPP’s goal of "net-zero carbon emissions," arguing that even the announced 2030 target of reducing carbon emissions by 24% to 25% is unattainable and out of step with global trends.
2023/12/26 17:24
酷似登月車!D:X Concept被列「許願清單」 內裝科技感爆棚
2023可說是Mitsubishi新車頻發的一年,從迷你得利卡Delica Mini到越野皮卡Triton/L200以及全新跨界休旅XForce,都是鎖定市場熱門級距而來的全新世代車款,其中迷你得利卡堪稱是三菱新車中最叫好又叫座的新車了!不過相信最吸引台灣車迷眼球的三菱「新車」,可能不是上述的三輛市售車而是在Japan Mobility Show日本交通展上發表的D:X Concept概念車了;因為D:X Concept基本上就是代表了下一世代Delica得利卡的改款方向,而近期澳媒《Drive》在採訪澳洲三菱CEO-Shaun Westcott時,高層表示已將大改款Delica列為跟日本原廠爭取的「許願清單」中,是否意味著下一代得利卡也有機會進軍其餘海外市場、甚至是台灣的機會呢?
2023/12/25 11:30
Ko Wen-je rejects de-Sinicization of Taiwanese culture
Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je opposes the removal of Chinese culture from Taiwanese society, expressing concern that future generations may not be able to differentiate between historical figures like Zhang Fei and Yue Fei. During a press conference on transportation policy, Ko emphasized the inappropriateness of completely separating contemporary society from Chinese culture. He specifically mentioned revered figures in religious beliefs, such as Mazu, Guan Gong, Baosheng Emperor, and The Third Prince, who primarily originate from China. Ko also responded to a statement by DPP former legislative speaker You Si-kun, defending the concept of a "sense of honor" with a history spanning over two millennia.
2023/12/12 13:34
EBC addresses ’Tonight Like War’ show’s future amid rumors
Tonight Like War is a popular entertainment show in Taiwan hosted by actress Karen Hu and singer Daniel Lo. The show, which launched in 2021, has gained a loyal following due to its unique concept that incorporates internet big data and viewer participation through online voting. However, recent rumors of the show’s cessation have caused concern among fans. The Eastern Broadcasting Company (EBC), the show’s broadcaster, responded by stating that they are currently in the planning stages for the show’s future and will provide updates on any new format developments.
2023/12/11 20:51
一輛車款開發過程中車廠曾經做過的嘗試/衍生車型,很多時候都比最後呈現在消費者眼前的成品還要更精彩,只是往往因為市場評估考量抑或是量產難度而作罷,像是我們之前曾經報導過的Porsche Caynne敞篷版就是個經典例子;而今年適逢Toyota座落在美國加州的Calty設計中心50歲里程碑,就釋出了一系列不曾發表過的概念車照片來跟車迷同慶,其中一輛叫做X86D Concept的車款可以說是最吸睛的,因為這是Toyota當家後驅小跑車86車系中不曾推出過的獵跑(Shooting Brake)版本!
2023/12/11 13:30
Hsiao Bi-khim launches ’Cat Warrior’ YouTube show
DPP vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim has launched a YouTube show called "Bi-khim Cat Warrior Meow Meow Meow" to share stories about President Tsai Ing-wen’s cat, Think Think, and discuss her own experiences with pets and the concept of "cat warrior" diplomacy. In the first episode, Hsiao recounts finding a stray kitten in Hualien and offering it to Tsai, who accepted and named it Think Think. Hsiao also introduces her four cats at home and expresses her longing for them as they await their return from the U.S. The concept of "cat warrior" diplomacy represents Hsiao’s strategy in international diplomacy, as she believes cats’ characteristics like balance, agility, and having nine lives are effective in this field. Hsiao recently returned to Taiwan from Washington D.C. to resume her duties as Taiwan’s representative to the U.S.
2023/11/29 21:01
MND responds to call for arming Taiwanese citizens
The All-Out Defense Mobilization Agency, in collaboration with Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of the Interior, is working to enhance citizens’ defense capability in response to a legislator’s proposal to arm every citizen in Taiwan. This comes as the Republic of China faces frequent military exercises from mainland China, leading to increased tensions in the Taiwan Strait. Authorities pledge to adjust civil defense team grouping to achieve the concept of all-out defense.
2023/11/05 20:53
KMT, TPP politicians spark speculation with ’Train’ metaphor
The story discusses the political figures from the Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) who have sparked public speculation with metaphorical references to a "train." The concept of the Blue-White Coalition, a topic gaining attention, is at the center of this development. TPP presidential candidate Ko Wen-je shared a photo on Facebook of himself enjoying a Taiwan Railways boxed lunch while traveling on the Puyuma Express. In contrast, KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih declared a few days ago that "the train will not wait for those who are late," urging Ko to make a decision on their collaboration.
2023/11/05 20:16
VW ID.2all平價電動車80萬有找 最快這時買得到
還記得福斯集團在去年5月發佈的平價電動車三兄弟預覽圖嗎?旗下的VW、Škoda跟Cupra都將以全新開發的入門電動車平台MEB Entry為基礎,來打造售價2.5萬歐元(約81.2萬新台幣)以內的親民電動車!而平價三兄弟的頭香已經由Cupra UrbanRebel Concept搶下,這次則是輪到VW的ID.2all揭開神秘面紗,總部位在德國狼堡的車廠也已經宣告屆時新車於2026年上市時售價會壓在2.5萬歐元(約81.2萬新台幣)內,而依照設計跟車身尺碼來看,很可能ID.2all會成為Polo的純電後繼車!
2023/03/16 22:48
暌違多年重返台灣!11代喜美傳年後登場 改裝套件一次看
在去年11月底台灣本田拋下了確定會在今年導入11代Civic而且還是e:HEV油電車型的震撼彈,據了解睽違多年回歸台灣的11代喜美最快有望在農曆年後登場,且傳出經銷端已經開始接單、而新車售價恐會突破130萬大關的消息!雖然還不確定目前到底Civic e:HEV準車主到底有多少位,但相信應該不少準車主已經開始在物色各式改裝套件,那麼也不妨參考看看Honda在本屆東京改裝車展上推出的Civic Sports Accessory Concept來打造專屬風格。
2023/01/27 14:22
日本宣布FL5停止接單!候車期拉長 Type R無限版現身
台灣本田宣佈11代Civic將在今年重返台灣車市後,相信不少死忠車迷應該在期待FL5 Civic Type R會不會也由總代理一同導入國內吧?雖然Honda Taiwan並沒有鬆口Type R會不會一起引進,但確實讓11代喜美的討論度在台灣變的比之前更為熱烈。就在1月中旬的東京改裝車展(Tokyo Auto Salon)上,Honda御用改裝廠無限就推出了造型相當兇悍的Mugen Civic Type R Concept,讓車迷們可以搶先預覽無限套件的改裝思路;不過就在近期,卻有外媒驚爆Honda在日本已經暫停FL5 Civic Type R的接單了?
2023/01/24 11:04