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    record 結果共126筆

  • 超神破金氏世界紀錄!45歲男「1小時拉1010次單槓」

    美國科羅拉多州(Colorado)1名男子近日達成創舉,他在1小時內拉了超過1000次單槓、打破先前高懸12年的金氏世界紀錄(Guinness World Record),創下限制時間內最多次引體向上,事後他也將自己的成就獻給已逝的好友。
    2023/09/30 16:30
  • MND reports record Chinese presence over the Taiwan Strait

    The MND reports a record-high incursion of 103 Chinese aircraft into the Taiwan Strait, with 40 crossing the median line. Taiwan responds by deploying forces to monitor and counter the threat. The situation raises concerns about regional security and stability.
    2023/09/18 19:58
  • Taiyen stock hits 19-year high amid panic-buying of salt

    Taiwan’s leading salt producer, Taiyen Biotech Co., Ltd.’s stock prices reached a record-breaking peak at NT$40.5 on Monday (Aug. 28), hitting a 19-year high due to customers’ panic buying after Japan began to dump treated radioactive wastewater.
    2023/08/28 13:58
  • Housing costs surge: Record maintenance and repairs index

    According to the most recent data, the maintenance and repairs index reached 109.84 in July, exhibiting an annual growth rate of 3.38%. At the same time, the domestic housing index jumped to 105.19, a 1.88% increase year on year — both setting historical records.
    2023/08/22 17:12
  • Taiwan’s 2024 national defense budget to reach NT$606.8B

    TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Tsai Ing-wen said Monday (Aug. 21) that Taiwan’s national defense budget will reach a record high of NT$606.8 billion at the briefing of 2024’s government budget.
    2023/08/22 17:01
  • EVA Air union demands fair wages as company profits soar

    EVA Air union members stage a rainy protest over withheld bonuses despite the company’s record profits. Entry-level employees highlight disparities with other airlines’ pay raises. Learn more about the demand for fair wages.
    2023/08/16 17:55
  • Taiwan faces record-low pig farm numbers and pork production

    In recent years, Taiwan’s pork farming industry has experienced a significant decline, primarily attributed to a decrease in domestic hog farmers, reduced pork production, higher costs of raising pigs, and a government decision to subsidize imported pork from May to September in 2023.
    2023/08/03 10:18
  • Hou Yu-ih sets the record straight on KMT’s alleged stance

    Kuomintang (KMT) Presidential Candidate Hou Yu-ih clarified his party’s alleged "pro-Chinese" stance after Japanese media referred to it as such on Tuesday (August 1).
    2023/08/01 19:17
  • Taiwan gov’t defends Taiwan’s ’resilient economic growth’

    Taiwan’s government has dismissed reports of a recession, citing an average annual economic growth rate of 3.4% from 2016 to 2022, surpassing the global average. Despite declining export orders, Taiwan achieved record-breaking exports of $479.4 billion last year and outperformed other Asian economies, according to Executive Yuan spokesperson Lin Tze-luen. 
    2023/07/27 11:46
  • 韓國天團BTS推出官方傳記 「首刷百萬本」粉絲搶購

    韓國天團防彈少年團(BTS)於6月13日迎來出道10週年。為了紀念這個日子,9日發行了1本回顧BTS10年軌跡的官方傳記《Beyond the Story:10-Year Record of BTS》。逾5百頁的傳記記錄了他們從默默無名事務所的練習生,到成為世界巨星的成長過程,剛出版就吸引大批粉絲搶購,首刷量達1百萬本。
    2023/07/10 10:11
  • Taiwan auto market sets June record amid imported cars surge

    Taiwan’s automobile market witnessed a surge in imported brand vehicles in June, with 42,380 new cars registered, marking a 30% year-on-year increase but a slight 0.2% monthly decrease. 
    2023/07/03 20:23
  • Japanese Yen hits record low, presents travel opportunities

    In a remarkable turn of events, the Japanese Yen plummeted to an all-time low against the New Taiwan Dollar (NT$) on Friday (June 30), creating a lucrative opportunity for avid travelers.
    2023/06/30 17:26
  • Taiwan’s unemployment rate hits 23-year low in May

    Taiwan’s unemployment rate reaches a record low of 3.46% in May, marking the lowest figure in nearly 23 years. Despite poor export performance, the steady demand for labor in the domestic service industry fuels a continuous decline in unemployment.
    2023/06/29 11:05
  • Experts give insights on how Taiwan’s car market changed

    Taiwan’s car market continues to thrive, with the value of imported cars reaching a record high of NT$85 billion from January to April this year, a 54% increase compared to the previous year, according to the Ministry of Finance.
    2023/06/19 15:53
  • 厭惡哈利梅根炒新聞 英王室人員嘲諷兩人像「金卡戴珊」

    哈利王子(Prince Harry)與梅根(Meghan Markle)結婚後,選擇脫離英國王室,試圖遠離不舒服的區域,遠赴美國加州重啟生活,但兩人各種爭議傳聞卻始終沒有停止,與王室成員之間的矛盾更是不斷被爆料。《每日紀事報》(Daily Record)引述王室內部人員的說法,不少工作人員私下非常不喜歡哈利梅根,甚至給予他們「羞辱」的暱稱,以美國名媛金卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)代入、稱呼兩人為「卡戴珊夫妻」(the Kardashians),以此嘲諷他們只會靠炒作新聞獲得外界關注,卻沒有實際本事。
    2023/05/31 09:50
  • Taiwan’s thirst for rain grows stronger amid climate change

    Once again, the water supply in southern Taiwan has hit an all-time low due to record low rainfall in the area, the lowest in the past 30 years. 
    2023/03/07 11:50
  • 邪教主創「新那拉唱片行」!KPOP迷怒抵制 五大唱片急回應

    2023/03/06 08:10
  • Taiwan’s birth rate hits new low amid economic slowdown

    According to the Ministry of the Interior, 138,000 newborns were born in 2022, setting a record-low number. 
    2023/01/30 19:00
  • Taiwan universities see a decline in registration rates

    The Ministry of Education announced this year’s registration rate for colleges and universities. For 19 schools, the registration rate did not hit 60%, setting a record low for the past couple of years.  
    2022/12/29 19:47
  • Bicycle popularity slows as global health situation improves

    Giant, a global leader in the bicycle industry, announced on Dec. 9 that its revenue for the first 11 months of 2022 reached a total of NT$ 86.4 billion, seeing an annual increase of nearly 15%, a record high. However, the media reported that Giant recently sent letters to third-party manufacturers, mentioning that the bicycle industry is facing difficulties. 
    2022/12/14 16:41
  • 世足/不滿坐冷板凳! 葡媒:C羅一度揚言離隊、不踢了

    葡萄牙在卡達世足賽16強賽中雖大勝瑞士晉級,不過37歲的當家球星「C羅」羅納度(Cristiano Ronaldo)卻被總教練桑托斯(Fernando Santos)下放至板凳,是葡萄牙國際大賽中14年來首見。葡媒《紀錄報》(Record)報導,在得知自己無法先發登場後,C羅一度揚言要離開球隊,不踢世足賽了。
    2022/12/08 17:03
  • NBA star brings record merchandise sales to Taoyuan Leopards

    Dwight Howard’s recent arrival in Taiwan has led to a burst of merchandise sales as fans rush out to buy anything featuring the picture, name, or lucky number 12 over their favorite player.
    2022/11/22 17:33
  • 欲刷新自己所創最老首相世界紀錄 97歲馬哈迪再次參選

    馬來西亞即將再次改選國會,此次外界關注的焦點人物之一,莫過於高齡97歲的前首相馬哈迪(Mahathir Mohamad),《衛報》(The Guardian)報導,這位曾經兩度擔任首相,並且是金氏世界紀錄(Guinness World Record)中、全球最年長首相保持人的馬哈迪,確定將再次出馬角逐國會議員,甚至不排除想三度挑戰首相大位,試圖刷新自己保有的這項成績。
    2022/11/06 13:03
  • 同一家公司待84年 巴西百歲老翁創金氏世界紀錄

    巴西南部聖卡塔里納州(Santa Catarina)布魯斯基市(Brusque)百歲老翁奧斯曼(Walter Orthmann)在同一家紡織公司連續任職長達84年,這項紀錄獲得金氏世界紀錄(Guinness World Record)認證。
    2022/04/24 10:13
  • 與言承旭有新進展?林志玲4個字回應了

    2017/12/13 22:53
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