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  • 不斷更新/哥大校園驚傳槍響 拜登打破沉默談挺巴抨擊暴力示威

  • Taiwan’s Ukraine aid with Czechia is transparent: MOFA

    Explore the dismissal by Taiwan’s MOFA spokesman of allegations regarding a secret pact with the Czech Republic to aid Ukraine, emphasizing transparent cooperation and the strengthening of international relations amidst humanitarian aid efforts.
  • Taiwan Central Bank joins Instagram for youth engagement

    Discover how the Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is connecting with younger audiences by launching its official Instagram account, joining the global trend of central banks like the FRB, ECB, and BoE. Learn about their unique approach to engaging with the public through softer content, including educational videos and career opportunities.
  • Tech studies surge in popularity among Taiwan’s students

    Explore the shifting landscape of Taiwan’s higher education in 2023, as revealed by the Ministry of Education’s latest statistics. Discover the significant rise in technology students, the decline in humanities enrolment, and the overall decrease in student numbers due to a falling birth rate. Uncover the trends in high school education and the changing dynamics in STEM fields, highlighting the evolving priorities and challenges in Taiwan’s academic sector.
  • Kaohsiung to host global hub for Austronesian cultures

    Discover the future National Museum of Indigenous Peoples in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, set to become a global center for Austronesian cultures. With a NT$5.8 billion budget, it aims to connect Taiwan with Austronesian-speaking communities, promote indigenous culture, and foster international cooperation. Located near Chengcing Lake and accessible by the future MRT Yellow Line, the museum will feature indigenous artifacts, ecological education, and serve as a hub for multiculturalism and leisure tourism.
  • Premier criticizes legislator over leaked documents

    Discover how Premier Chen Chien-jen rebukes KMT legislator Hsu Chiao-hsin for leaking confidential documents and spreading misinformation about Taiwan’s Ukraine aid project, emphasizing the importance of unity in foreign relations to uphold Taiwan’s sovereignty and international diplomacy.
  • Taiwan and US address delays in US$19 billion arms sales

    Explore the concerns over delayed U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, highlighting the establishment of a "Tiger team" to address delivery issues, discussions in the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, and the involvement of Taiwan’s National Security Council Secretary-General Wellington Koo in military matters.
  • Transforming Taiwan’s future: new deputy ministers aim high

    Discover how the Democratic Progressive Party enhances Taiwan’s education system by appointing Chang Liao Wan-chien and Yeh Ping-cheng as deputy ministers. Learn about Yeh Ping-cheng’s vision for a future-ready Taiwan, his innovative approach to learning, and his commitment to leveraging education to empower the next generation.
  • President Tsai promises support for Taiwan’s industry growth

    President Tsai Ing-wen commits to supporting Taiwan’s industry development, highlighting the country’s export success and plans for post-pandemic recovery. Tsai vows to deepen global economic ties, recognizing the National Importers & Exporters Chamber of Commerce’s role in driving economic growth amidst challenges. Taiwan aims to enhance international competitiveness through agreements with the U.S., U.K., Canada, and others, promoting a prosperous future for Taiwanese industries.
  • KMT postpones Taiping trip amid rising regional tensions

    The Kuomintang (KMT) has postponed a planned Taiping Island visit intended to assert Taiwan’s sovereignty in the South China Sea. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) criticized the move, warning of escalating tensions in the region.
  • Hsiao Bi-khim champions Taiwan’s resilience as beacon

    Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim speaks at the CAPRI forum, emphasizing Taiwan’s resilience through adversities like natural disasters, misinformation, and military harassment. She highlights Taiwan’s progress in democracy, economic innovation, and defense, asserting Taiwan’s leadership role in the Asia-Pacific and its commitment to fostering global partnerships.
  • John Neuffer highlights CHIPS Act’s positive impact on U.S.

    The U.S. CHIPS and Science Act seeks to boost domestic semiconductor manufacturing. John Neuffer, CEO of the Semiconductor Industry Association, is optimistic about the act, highlighting early private sector commitments and the critical need to rebalance global chip manufacturing.
  • Cold snap to hit Taiwan from Wednesday to Saturday

    Stay prepared for cooler temperatures in northern and northeastern Taiwan, as the Central Weather Administration forecasts a dip to around 20 degrees Celsius, with possible brief showers and thunderstorms across the island.
  • Toronto rally supports Taiwan’s WHA participation

    A rally in Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square, organized by 25 overseas Chinese communities, supported Taiwan’s inclusion in the World Health Assembly (WHA). The event featured a drum performance and speeches from TECO Director-General Chen Chin-ling, MPs Judy Sgro, Ali Ehsassi, and Michael Cooper, advocating for Taiwan’s advanced healthcare contributions and its participation in global health discussions.
  • Taiwan defends tourism promotion on Chinese social media

    Explore how Taiwan’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications leverages mainland social media to boost tourism, navigating political sensitivities and global competition, amidst domestic critique.
  • 肛門疼痛灼熱?泌尿科醫示警「4情況」恐是菜花 口腔也會長

  • Taiwan rolls out 10M free COVID-19 test kits at pharmacies

    Explore the initiative by Taiwan’s CDC and the Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations to distribute 10 million free COVID-19 home test kits across over 4,500 pharmacies. Starting May 6, with full availability by May 8, each visitor can receive a test kit, aiming to maintain vigilance against COVID-19 amidst ongoing cases and deaths. This measure follows the WHO’s classification of COVID-19 as a persistent health issue and extends the support previously given to international travelers. The initiative encourages responsible collection and use of these crucial health tools.
  • Taiwan Railway eyes first fare hike in nearly three decades

    Explore the potential fare increase for Taiwan Railway Corporation as Deputy Minister Allen Hu announces a comprehensive review to adjust ticket prices after 29 years, amidst discussions on improving train punctuality and addressing the TRC’s financial sustainability.
  • 消失4年!王若琳在冰島被拍近況曝光 驚見一幕:太震撼

    Joanna王若琳睽違4年,終於再推出全新英文創作專輯《Hotel La Rut 破爛酒店》,並為這張專輯特別飛往冰島錄製專輯,在六星期的錄製期間,她不斷被冰島的夢幻景色震撼,還如願騎到冰島馬,讓王若琳直呼:「好幸運!」完成專輯製作後,王若琳展開大陸巡演,好評不斷,不斷加場,今年在蘇州、南京、北京、長沙、上海等城市演出,預計到今年底前演出累計超過30場。
  • Calls for action as Taoyuan’s power outage crisis worsens

    Explore the escalating power outage crisis in Taoyuan as Deputy Mayor Su Jun-pin addresses systemic issues with TaiPower, highlighting the city’s struggle with increasing frequency of power disruptions and the urgent need for infrastructure enhancement amidst a growing population.
  • Taiwanese universities unveil new 16-Week semester for 2024

    National Tsing Hua University and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan are set to adopt a new 16-week semester system from September 2024, featuring an early start to the winter vacation, aligning with international academic calendars and facilitating student plans for holidays and study abroad opportunities.
  • 搞烏龍!基隆榮登全球12大旅遊城市 謝國樑臉書卻誤植雜誌名

    罷免第一階段通過,謝國樑市長立即神隱,昨(5)日突然在臉書上分享好消息,基隆市近期被《Harper’s-bazaar》雜誌列為全球12個不容忽視的旅遊城市。不過在文章剛貼出來時,卻是寫成基隆榮獲《Lonely Planet》孤獨星球2024最佳旅遊城市第五名,馬上被眼尖的網友搜尋原始網站並沒有基隆這座城市,被笑連花錢幕僚小編都不用心。
  • 《鐵達尼號》船長驚傳離世!享壽79歲 經紀人悲痛證實死訊

    曾在經典電影《鐵達尼號》中飾演「船長」愛德華·史密斯的英國男演員伯納希爾(Bernard Hill),傳出已在當地時間今(5)日凌晨離世,享壽79歲。對此,伯納希爾的經紀人已對外宣布其死訊,消息曝光後立刻讓各界震驚不已。
  • 直擊/Energy簽唱會破5000人 台下一幕逼哭TORO

    睽違21年再度合體,重覆出發的超殺男團Energy,推出新專輯《HERE I AM》,今(5)日在信義香堤大道廣場舉辦唯一一場簽唱會,1000張號碼牌一早瞬間被拿光,更有死忠粉絲前一天晚上9點就排隊,現場湧入超過5千名粉絲,包圍整個信義商圈,還有歌迷訂製翻糖蛋糕送給Energy預祝演唱會大成功,看到如此景象,五位團員紛紛感性地表示:「無論現場、地球各地,曾經有一大段時間,你們沒有看到我們合體,但我們知道你們的支持一直都在。」
  • NBA/喊話想重返快艇!威少承諾「會變更強大」:願承擔任何角色

    快艇在2024年季後賽首輪遭獨行俠淘汰後,豪華陣容的未來動向也撲朔迷離。其中,本季因哈登(James Harden)入隊而退居替補的威斯布魯克(Russell Westbrook),也將於休賽季恢復自由身。對此,他也罕見地在Instagram發表長文,除了向球迷們致謝,也強調自己希望能以更強的面貌留在快艇。
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