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    labor 結果共213筆

  • Taiwan’s female labor force faces challenges post-motherhood

    In 2022, 330,000 Taiwanese women withdrew from the labor market to care for their families, highlighting the challenges women face in balancing work and family life. This trend, coupled with workplace stress and inflexibility, is impacting Taiwan’s birth rate and female labor force participation.
    2023/11/30 10:28
  • DPP questions KMT’s stance on Chinese workers in Taiwan

    The campaign spokesperson for Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, Chen Shih-kai, has called on Kuomintang (KMT) presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih to clarify his stance on allowing Chinese workers into Taiwan. Chen expressed concerns about the impact on the employment of Taiwan’s youth and requested an outline of supporting measures. This request for clarification follows Hou’s proposal to promote increased cross-strait exchanges, including opening up to Chinese tourists and students. Chen criticized Hou’s policy, suggesting it aimed to help alleviate China’s youth unemployment problems. He highlighted Taiwan’s strong economic abilities, contrasting it with Hong Kong’s declining stock market due to Chinese government control. Chen also criticized China’s lack of transparency regarding its economic downturn and high unemployment rate. He emphasized the importance of Taiwan’s economic development and integration with the global community, stating that the future direction of Taiwan depends on its leadership. These remarks reflect the DPP’s stance on maintaining a strong local economy and labor market while considering broader cross-strait policies and potential socioeconomic impacts.
    2023/11/29 21:06
  • Taiwan’s average salary hits 8-year high at NT$694K

    Taiwanese companies have raised fixed monthly salaries in an attempt to address labor shortages, but the annual salary increase rate has declined to 2.5% from last year’s 3.1%. Despite this, the average annual salary in Taiwan reached a new eight-year high at NT$694,000 in 2023. The semiconductor industry remains the highest-paying sector for the eighth consecutive year, surpassing NT$1 million in average salary. Following the semiconductor industry, the computer and consumer electronics manufacturing, electronic components manufacturing, telecommunications and communication services, and software and internet industries are the next highest-paying sectors. In terms of engineering roles, IC design engineers earn the highest yearly earnings, while auditors, computer systems analysts, and network security analysts lead non-engineering jobs. Year-end bonuses in 2023 decreased to an average of 1.08 months’ worth of salary, the lowest in a decade. Financial institutions are expected to provide the highest average year-end bonuses, followed by the semiconductor and construction industries. Looking ahead to 2024, civil servants, educators, and military personnel will receive a 4% pay increase, while private companies anticipate an average increase of 3.2% in salaries, with the accommodation and food services industry having the highest proportion of enterprises raising pay.
    2023/11/29 16:06
  • Aviation industry faces labor shortage amid travel boom

    This article explores the surge in air travel demand leading to a record number of aircraft orders for Airbus, EVA Air’s major purchase of Airbus aircraft, the challenges in pilot training, and innovative solutions from a Taiwanese university.
    2023/11/29 16:02
  • Thailand’s strategic appeal draws Taiwanese professionals

    Explore how the shifting dynamics between China and the U.S. are influencing multinational supply chains, leading Taiwanese professionals to seek opportunities in Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand. Discover Thailand’s strategic advantages in labor and electric vehicle initiatives and Taiwan’s collaborative efforts.
    2023/11/29 09:37
  • CNFI to host economic forum with presidential hopefuls

    The Chinese National Federation of Industries (CNFI) will host the "2023 Taiwan Economic Development Forum — Dialogue with Future National Leaders" on Nov. 27, 29-30. The forum aims to address critical issues for Taiwan’s economic development, including industrial development, energy, environmental protection, labor force, taxation, international trade, cross-strait economic relations, long-term care, and social insurance. Key candidates for the upcoming presidential election, including Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je, Kuomintang (KMT) New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih, and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, will present their policies and participate in discussions. The forum will be presided over by CNFI Chairman Matthew F.C. Miau, Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce (CNAIC) Chairman Thomas Wu, and General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China (ROCCOC) Chairman Paul Hsu. The event will take place at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC).
    2023/11/24 18:10
  • Taiwan’s hospitality sector faces severe labor shortage

    Explore how Taiwan’s hospitality industry confronts severe labor shortages, with insights from industry experts on integrating migrant workers and developing strategies to meet the increasing demand in the tourism sector.
    2023/11/22 19:08
  • Nien Hsing Textile to shut down denim mill amid losses

    Nien Hsing Textile Co., Ltd. announces the closure of its denim mill in Houlong Township, Miaoli County, due to significant operational losses. The Taiwan-based global jeans manufacturer faces challenges including fluctuating cotton prices and a tough consumer market.
    2023/11/22 11:41
  • Ministry of Labor to introduce Indian migrant workers

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Labor (MOL) plans to introduce Indian migrant workers to address labor shortages. The initiative will adhere to domestic regulations and is not an immediate importation of 100,000 workers. The MOL will negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on labor service cooperation with India to ensure quality workers without disrupting social stability. Several countries have had positive experiences importing Indian labor, and currently, around 2,700 Indian laborers work in Taiwan. Taiwan’s economic and trade relationships with India are strong, making labor cooperation a priority. After signing the MOU, discussions on industrial quotas will occur. The MOL will rigorously assess qualification criteria such as language skills, professional abilities, educational background, and good behavior. The aim is for the introduction of migrant workers to contribute positively to Taiwan’s economic and societal development.
    2023/11/19 16:37
  • MOL pledges plan to help 330K women reentering the workforce

    Taiwan’s Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, has pledged to propose a plan within the next three months to support the 330,000 women in Taiwan who have left the workforce to care for their families. During a legislative interpellation, a Democratic Progressive Party legislator pointed out the government’s oversight of this potential source of manpower, considering the country’s need for more workers. Hsu acknowledged the relatively high number of women who have quit their jobs due to family care duties and stated that the Ministry of Labor is actively promoting measures to help women balance their work and family responsibilities. Suggestions were made to make the parental leave system more flexible and introduce family care leave. Hsu admitted that finding a solution is challenging but expressed her eagerness to address the issue. The Ministry of Labor has commissioned studies to inform their improvement plan, which will be developed in the next three months.
    2023/11/16 17:15
  • Labor minister refutes rumors of 100,000 Indian workers

    The Minister of Labor, Hsu Ming-chun, has denied rumors that Taiwan plans to import 100,000 Indian workers. The Ministry of Labor suspects that false information is being deliberately spread to cause panic, and has urged the public not to fall for such tactics. Taiwan is in the early stages of negotiating a Memorandum of Understanding for labor cooperation with India, which has led to speculation about a potential influx of Indian workers. Concerns have been raised on social media about India’s record of violence against women and the impact on social security in Taiwan. Hsu explained that Taiwan is exploring new foreign labor source countries due to labor shortages caused by changing demographics. Currently, Taiwan has agreements with only four countries, but India is considered a promising addition. Hsu emphasized that the MOU has not been signed yet and discussions on importing labor from India are ongoing. The Ministry of Labor will take precautions and improve communication to keep the public informed about the process.
    2023/11/16 12:13
  • Gov’t to deduct 6% servicemen’s monthly salaries for pension

    The "Pension Contribution During Mandatory Military Service Act" was passed by Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, requiring a 6% monthly pension deduction from servicemen’s salaries starting January 1, 2024. The law mandates that the hosting organization deducts this percentage from each serviceman’s wages and allowances, with the funds being deposited into personal pension accounts established by the Labor Insurance Bureau of the Ministry of Labor. Upon retirement from the military, individuals can participate in pension systems across various sectors. The Executive Yuan also approved a plan to strengthen and recalibrate the national defense force structure in 2022, including lengthening the military service term for men born after 2005 to one year starting from January 1, 2023. The Ministry of National Defense sees this act as treating military service as part of one’s personal career.
    2023/11/13 12:56
  • Taiwan sees rise in fathers using Parental Leave Allowance

    Over 1.01 million people have benefited from Taiwan’s "Employment Insurance Parental Leave Allowance" since its initiation in 2009. This allowance, available to parents with at least one year of cumulative employment insurance, allows them to take unpaid parental leave before their children turn three. The subsidy is calculated at 60% of the average salary for the six months preceding the leave, with an additional 20% wage subsidy provided since July 2021, bringing the total to 80%. Since January 2022, both parents can simultaneously apply for the allowance, allowing them to apply for a subsidy for 12 months within half a year if they meet the criteria and take leave together. Assuming an average monthly salary of NT$42,000, each parent can receive NT$33,600 monthly, totaling NT$403,200 for the half-year period. The program has also seen a rise in male applicants, with over 20,000 annually compared to the initial 4,000 during the inaugural year, indicating a growing willingness of men to share childcare responsibilities.
    2023/11/10 22:08
  • Taiwanese NGOs form alliance to uphold media ethics

    A civil alliance of local NGOs in Taiwan has launched a new moral code for reporting on Taiwanese elections. The code emphasizes fairness, accuracy, professional tones, respect for privacy, and media transparency. The initiative aims to enhance public trust in the media as elections approach. The alliance, consisting of Reporters Without Borders, Citizen Media Watch, and the Taiwan Media Watch Foundation, received widespread support from labor unions in the new media industry. The director of RSF Taipei Bureau highlighted the challenges faced by Taiwanese media, including political polarization and excessive commercialization. As the presidential campaigns intensify, more media organizations are expected to participate. The director of the Taiwan Media Watch Foundation emphasized the importance of press freedom in Taiwan’s democracy, warning of the negative impact manipulative activities could have on the democratic environment.
    2023/11/10 21:58
  • MOEA ensures sufficient land for semiconductor industry

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) reassures that Taiwan has sufficient land for the semiconductor industry, despite concerns over shortages in land, water, energy, labor, and talent. Media reports claimed that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC) had abandoned its Longtan plant, highlighting potential issues in the semiconductor industry. However, the MOEA states that it is actively working on land allocation and expansion plans in science parks and industrial parks. The government aims to meet all land requirements for industry expansion and new factories, while providing full services to manufacturing businesses. The MOEA is fully committed to assisting semiconductor companies in developing in Taiwan, with the goal of maintaining Taiwan’s dominant role in global semiconductor manufacturing.
    2023/11/09 15:05
  • 364 companies implement reduced work shifts: MOL

    The Ministry of Labor in Taiwan has announced that 364 companies have implemented reduced work shifts, affecting a total of 9,809 employees. Among these companies, four manufacturing firms have halted or prematurely ended these initiatives due to urgent orders. The manufacturing industry has been the most impacted, with 203 businesses and 8,791 individuals affected by reduced work hours. The Department of Labor Standards and Equal Employment Director Huang Wei-chen noted that large-scale businesses are typically the first to cease these initiatives when economic conditions improve. Huang also predicted that the number of companies implementing unpaid leave may decrease by the end of the year or early next year. This situation highlights the delicate balance between ensuring employee welfare and meeting business requirements, especially in the face of current economic uncertainties. The Ministry of Labor continues to oversee work policies to protect workers while promoting strong industrial performance.
    2023/11/08 20:40
  • Ko Wen-je proposes maternity leave ext., pregnancy subsidies

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je has proposed several policies to address Taiwan’s low birth rate. These policies include extending maternity leave, offering a "pregnancy subsidy" of NT$50,000 to expectant mothers, and providing an additional subsidy of NT$100,000 to families after the child is born. Ko also plans to establish a "Population Development Committee" within the Executive Yuan to coordinate efforts between various governmental departments and address the issue of low birth rates. He advocates for increasing public childcare facilities and raising salaries for public preschool teachers and personnel to improve the employment environment for childcare workers. The National Development Council predicts that Taiwan’s population could be halved by 2070 due to low birth rates and an aging population, which would further burden society and younger generations. Ko sees the low birth rate as a security issue for Taiwan, causing labor shortages and challenges in school recruitment.
    2023/11/07 15:58
  • International travel fair in Taipei ends with heat for deals

    The Taipei International Travel Fair concluded with attendees taking advantage of travel deals. Industry experts believe that high travel costs are inevitable due to factors such as flight recovery, labor shortage, and inflation. Japan, a popular destination for Taiwanese tourists, also faces similar challenges. The weakening Japanese Yen has led to more domestic travel, increasing competition for hotel rooms. The imbalance between supply and demand has contributed to rising travel costs. To alleviate financial pressures, experts suggest taking advantage of fair benefits and choosing low-cost airlines. For those interested in traveling to Western countries, transferring through Chinese airports may offer relatively lower ticket prices.
    2023/11/06 20:30
  • Taiwan’s wealth gap hits decade high amid economic struggles

    Taiwan faces a widening wealth gap, reaching its highest in a decade. With challenges like high inflation and stagnant wages, the top 20% of families earn significantly more than the bottom, highlighting deep economic disparities.
    2023/11/05 18:26
  • Experts caution opening migrant workers to hotel sectors

    Taiwan’s tourism industry is facing a significant labor shortage, prompting the government to consider introducing migrant workers into the hospitality sector. However, no specific timeline has been set for this proposal. Scholars and citizens have expressed concerns about potential job displacement and the negative impact on wages for local workers. Calls have been made for more efficient solutions to alleviate employee workload, rather than solely relying on wage increases. Professor Cheng Chih-yu of National Chengchi University (NCCU) emphasized that even with higher wages, the demanding nature and long hours associated with hospitality work may not attract job seekers. Similarly, Associate Professor Hsin Ping-lung of National Taiwan University (NTU) noted that the labor shortage has intensified workload in the hospitality industry, yet it has not attracted more workers. Professor Cheng suggested a cautious approach to the introduction of migrant workers, considering it as a last resort after exhausting all other means to address the problem. He expressed concerns that if the policy is relaxed, companies may opt for cheaper foreign labor, leading to the displacement of local workers and wage suppression. Additionally, the labor market for older workers and women seeking a second career could be affected.
    2023/11/04 14:00
  • Taiwan offers 20% subsidy for parental leave allowance

    The Bureau of Labor Insurance (BLI) implemented a parental leave allowance scheme in July 2021, providing a 20 percent wage subsidy grant to ease economic pressures on working parents. A year later, an amendment to the Employment Insurance Act allowed both parents to claim the allowance simultaneously. By the end of July this year, the percentage of male claims settled reached 26 percent, with the BLI disbursing a total of $101.4 billion in the first nine months. The parental leave allowance corresponds to 60% of the insured person’s average monthly insurance salary six months before the leave, plus the additional wage subsidy grant, resulting in parents receiving 80 percent of their monthly insurance salary. Since the nationwide release of the subsidy grant, the number of applicants tripled, benefiting eight thousand families last year, a five-fold increase compared to the scheme’s initial launch in 2009.
    2023/11/02 20:35
  • MOL reviews opening up hospitality sector to foreign workers

    The Ministry of Labor’s Workforce Development Agency (WDA) is evaluating a report on introducing foreign workers into Taiwan’s hospitality sector. The Tourism Administration of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) has completed an assessment report on the matter and sent it to the Ministry of Labor. The WDA is currently reviewing the report and is expected to complete its evaluation by December. Decisions regarding the introduction and number of foreign workers will be discussed in future meetings.
    2023/11/02 19:44
  • German Institute Taipei optimistic about TSMC fab investment

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has received approval from the Ministry of Economic Affairs to establish a fabrication facility in Germany. At the CDKWV 90th Anniversary International Conference, optimism abounded as experts discussed the potential of this 3.5 billion-euro investment. Dr. Jörg Polster, Director General of the German Institute Taipei, highlighted the compatibility of cultures, while Stan Shih, Acer’s co-founder, raised concerns about cultural differences. The partnership is expected to deepen as German investments in Taiwan reach record levels.
    2023/10/28 16:49
  • Ko unveils ’Strong Generation’ movement to redefine aging

    Taiwan’s TPP candidate, Ko Wen-je, introduces the ’Strong Generation Cultural Movement’ to redefine aging and boost the economy. Learn how this initiative addresses the challenges of an aging society.
    2023/10/25 18:42
  • Labor minister denies rumor of labor insurance bankruptcy

    The labor minister of Taiwan, Hsu Ming-chun, has assured the public that the government-backed labor insurance will not face bankruptcy. Hsu emphasized that the government will continue to allocate supplementary funds to prevent this outcome. Concerns had arisen due to the growing imbalance between the number of pension recipients and payees, with predictions of bankruptcy by 2028. However, Hsu pointed out that the government has been providing supplementary pension funds for the past four years and assured that this plan will be maintained. She also stated that the government’s supplementary labor insurance provisions are considered part of administrative expenditures. While there are currently no provisions in place for additional government funds, Hsu suggested that it could be implemented if approved.
    2023/10/25 17:58
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