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    intellectual 結果共7筆

  • Ko boasts of ’intellectual supporters’ at Taoyuan rally

    Taiwan People’s Party presidential candidate Ko Wen-je attended a campaign rally in Taoyuan, where he praised his supporters for their spontaneity and described them as "highly intellectual." Ko criticized the Kuomintang (KMT) for organizing a rally in New Taipei City, accusing them of mobilizing over 2,000 tour buses for the event. Despite not spending as much as the KMT or the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Ko stated that the TPP continues to attract supporters whom he believes are "intellects." During the rally, Ko took photos with the public at the Zhongli Night Market, setting a three-second limit per photo group. The TPP’s vice presidential candidate, Cynthia Wu, simultaneously held a rally in Pingtung as part of a strategy to coordinate efforts in both the north and south of Taiwan.
    2024/01/04 14:34
  • National Defense Intellectual Tour begins in Kaohsiung

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Gushan District, Kaohsiung City. Visitors had the opportunity to view naval ships, including the Yushan class, the ROCS Ta Chiang, and the Min Jiang-class minelayer, showcasing Taiwan’s maritime defense capabilities. The event featured a captivating performance by the R.O.C. Naval Academy Band and the 256th Battle Division Drum Team, receiving enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Attendees also had the chance to take photos with naval personnel. The annual tour aims to increase public understanding of the nation’s military capabilities and foster national pride and community support for the military.
    2023/11/13 15:03
  • Three military vessels showcase Taiwan’s defense power

    The Navy’s 2023 National Defense Intellectual Tour began at Xinbin Camp in Kaohsiung City’s Gushan District, showcasing Taiwan’s defense capabilities. The Yushan-class ship, with a displacement of 10,000 tons, demonstrated its ability to carry fully armed Marines and featured a spacious command center and medical facilities. The ROCS Ta Chiang, a 732-ton vessel, displayed impressive stealth characteristics and a powerful arsenal. The Min Jiang-class minelayer showcased its accurate navigation and mine-laying capabilities. This event provided insight into Taiwan’s contemporary naval capabilities and its commitment to strengthening national defense.
    2023/11/13 11:42
  • 閱讀新「鏡」界!線上書展精選好書培育創作人才

    投入文創IP(Intellectual Property)經營屆滿3週年的鏡文學,致力於全版權經營以來,不僅成為全台最大文學閱讀網站,更開創「影視一條龍」製作模式,自製、合製、投拍電影及電視影集,成為台灣故事IP孵育的領頭羊;2019年合資投入的《陽光普照》電影,更一舉拿下第56屆金馬獎6項大獎。為歡慶3週年,鏡文學除了推出「說故事學院」、「明星聲音主播」等優質培訓課程外,更攜手誠品網路書店推出「鏡文學全書系書展」,精選好書66折起;培育創作人才,同時讓閱讀邁向嶄新「鏡」界!
    2020/06/01 16:17
  • 歐銻銻娛樂携手實力媒體 打造最佳數據金獎案例

    2019年,愛奇藝台灣站在台代理商歐銻銻娛樂與實力媒體齊心合作的Yahoo原生廣告always-on campaign,榮獲Verizon Media BIC數位行銷大獎北亞區最佳數據策略金獎。得獎不僅是榮譽,對於在這一年裡執行九十一個行銷活動和超過一百個IP (Intellectual Property智慧產權)內容,每日監測大量數據,詳細解讀剖析,並據以優化成效的執行團隊來說,更是一大實質鼓勵。
    2020/03/04 09:00
  • TVBS知識型網紅 吸千萬粉絲 創千萬點閱及千萬價值

    知識經濟當道,將專業的知識與技術簡單化,用有趣、平實的方式說給觀眾聽,已成為網路影片主流。TVBS自2018年起,積極經營「知識型網紅」,將廣受觀眾好評的專業醫師、博士、美髮師、彩妝師,以及節目主持人通通網羅於旄下,十多位專家網紅,已吸粉超過千萬人次、影片點閱突破數千萬次、知識網紅更創造出超過千萬的價值,超越媒體同業的網路經濟版圖。TVBS執行副總經理劉文硯表示:「TVBS在新媒體發光發熱,今(12)日Google公佈Play商店 2019《最受歡迎應用程式》,《女人我最大》APP入圍前十名,顯見TVBS節目及品牌,獲得廣大使用者和觀眾喜愛。」TVBS結合自家節目IP (Intellectual Property,知識產權),搭配《健康2.0》、《食尚玩家》、《女人我最大》、《上班這黨事》,針對「醫療保健」、「吃喝玩樂」、「美妝保養」、「生活消費」四大領域,募集各方菁英人士,全面結合電視與網路的力量,讓名人走進觀眾的社群網絡中,與大家搏感情、當麻吉。
    2019/11/12 17:00
  • 向新媒體靠攏 《深夜食堂》網路療癒全球

    安倍夜郎的漫畫《深夜食堂》,2006年發表、2009年拍成電視劇,2015年電影版更在日本創下超過新台幣7,300萬元票房佳績,但這個大IP(智慧財產intellectual property,泛指可改編為劇本、遊戲等作品)也遇上不景氣的問題,解決之道,就是向新媒體靠攏。
    2016/12/02 15:15
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