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    河床甜點 發福黃偈搬出婆家李亞萍性侵案余天女婿比利時海龍蛙兵失聯
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    escort 結果共5筆

  • DPP’s Hsiao Bi-khim lands in Taiwan with her four cats

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice presidential candidate Hsiao Bi-khim returned to Taiwan from New York with her four beloved cats, arriving at Taoyuan International Airport. Accompanied by security officers, Hsiao handled her immigration procedures while waving to reporters and travelers. She then proceeded to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Agency to take care of the entry quarantine procedures for her cats. As her feline friends meowed from within their carriers, Hsiao comforted them and fed them treats. She personally confirmed the purchase of canned food and dry kibble for her pets before leaving the airport under the escort of security personnel. Hsiao had returned to Taiwan on Nov. 20 to report for duty and submit her resignation, registered for the elections the following day, and rallied support in Hualien. She then returned to the United States on Nov. 26 to finalize her resignation and pack her belongings before making her journey back to Taiwan with her cats.
    2023/11/30 21:54
  • Air Force fighter jets to escort Taiwan athletes back home

    President Tsai Ing-wen has instructed the Air Force to accompany Taiwan’s heroic athletes on their return from the Hangzhou Asian Games. Taiwan secured an impressive 67 medals, including 19 gold, 20 silver, and 28 bronze, finishing 6th overall. This surpasses their pre-Games target and equals their gold medal tally from the 1998 Bangkok Asian Games. President Tsai expressed gratitude to all team members, including athletes, coaches, and support staff. The largest contingent of athletes is expected to return tonight at 9:30 p.m.
    2023/10/09 16:55
  • 小林依晨遭黑警勒索慘噴2萬7 泰警怒了喊查:不容貪污

    2023/01/26 17:31
  • 黛安娜王妃鍾愛座駕 福特Escort賣出2600萬高價

    英國已故黛安娜王妃生前鍾愛的個人座駕Ford Escort RS Turbo今天在英國銀石賽道(Silverstone circuit)拍賣,以72萬4500萬英鎊(約新台幣2600萬元)高價賣出。
    2022/08/28 10:33
  • 雙螢幕組合很「賓士」? 全新Ford Escort曝光

    全球休旅熱潮持續延燒,這也壓縮到不少四門房車的銷售空間。而目前在台銷售的四門房車,多半強調運動化與個性化訴求,藉此吸引消費者目光。而Ford Escort則是一款主打實用機能的入門房車,這款基於C1平台打造,跟舊世代Focus有著血統淵源的小型房車,在2014年正式亮相。
    2021/04/09 00:30
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