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    energy 結果共527筆

  • Hou Yu-ih stands firm on nuclear policy amid scrutiny

    KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih faces scrutiny over nuclear policy during Taichung visit. His unwavering stance, energy objectives, and power supply concerns are discussed.
    2023/08/10 21:45
  • DPP criticizes Hou Yu-ih’s nuclear restart proposal

    Hou You-yi’s energy policy announcement stirs controversy as he proposes restarting decommissioned nuclear plants and reviewing the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant project. DPP voices criticism and concerns about nuclear waste disposal.
    2023/08/09 20:10
  • Hou Yu-ih unveils 2050 Net-Zero Energy Plan for Taiwan

    Kuomintang (KMT) presidential hopeful Hou Yu-ih unveiled his energy policy on Wednesday (Aug. 9), outlining four goals aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050: environmental sustainability, national security, public health, and a sustainable transition.
    2023/08/09 16:28
  • Taiwan utilizes AI to cut 5G base station energy consumption

    Taiwan’s 5th-generation network coverage has steadily grown in recent years, driven by the prevalent use of streaming platforms and social media. 
    2023/07/31 20:21
  • Taipower’s debt burden: Energy expert calls for action

    Concerns regarding Taipower’s financial status are continuously growing, particularly since implementing the "nuclear-free homeland" policies.
    2023/07/14 16:00
  • 曾成功頂上林書豪退場空缺 鋼鐵人THANK YOU張傑瑋

    PLG高雄17直播鋼鐵人今(8)日宣布與張傑瑋雙方達成協議終止合約,正式離隊成為自由球員。張傑瑋於2022-23賽季鋼鐵人第二輪指名,球團感謝傑瑋本賽季的付出,總是扮演隊上的「Energy guy」滿滿的能量無論在場上或場下都能感染隊友,菜鳥年共出賽32場,場均攻下4.3分2.9籃板1.9助攻0.7抄截,最高單場攻下25分。秀味十足的傑瑋也曾在書豪六犯下場的比賽中,頂替上陣關鍵時刻展現大心臟,與溫德的連線爆扣及得分,更是致勝關鍵。
    2023/07/08 11:50
  • Vice Premier assures sufficient energy in Taiwan

    Vice Premier Cheng Wen-tsan assured Taiwan on Wednesday (July 5) that it would have sufficient electricity and urged the continuation of green energy development.
    2023/07/05 16:32
  • Hou Yu-ih reaffirms support for restarting nuclear plants

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih reaffirmed his support for restarting all four nuclear power plants in Taiwan on Monday (July 3) during an exclusive interview with the TVBS Situation Room.
    2023/07/04 14:44
  • Lai advocates innovation-driven approach to net-zero goal

    Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasized the significance of collaboration across various sectors to achieve the ambitious net-zero emissions objective during his address at the Taiwan Future International Summit (台灣大未來國際高峰會) opening ceremony on Thursday (June 29). 
    2023/06/30 13:40
  • Hou Yu-ih emphasizes housing, national defense issues at NTU

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih tackled significant issues ranging from housing justice and national defense to energy and international relations with students from National Taiwan University (NTU) on Monday (June 19), leaving no stone unturned.
    2023/06/20 19:00
  • Expert tips for reducing electricity bills during summer

    Striking a delicate balance between minimizing heat and conserving energy consumption continues to present a challenge for residents of Taiwan every summer.
    2023/06/10 16:32
  • Ko Wen-je raises concerns over DPP’s energy transition plan

    Taiwan People’s Party Chairman Ko Wen-je voiced concerns on Friday (June 9) over the Democratic Progressive Party government’s energy transition plans during a visit to the National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism. 
    2023/06/09 17:37
  • New Taipei Mayor vows to fulfill promises on nuclear power

    New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih urged the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on Wednesday to prioritize the handling of nuclear power, emphasizing his commitment to a clear energy policy if elected. 
    2023/06/07 17:28
  • 影音/Energy合體少唐振剛 曝心聲「我滿生氣的」

    2023/06/01 10:06
  • Energy世紀合體獨漏他!唐振剛曝「真實心聲」:我滿生氣的

    2023/05/31 16:31
  • 本土男星驚爆被離婚!擺爛「家用全不給」妻急淨身出戶求放過

    2023/05/31 07:42
  • 現代汽車攜手LG能源 斥資1357億在美建電池廠

    為因應北美市場劇增的電動車需求,韓國現代汽車集團與LG能源解決方案公司(LG Energy Solution)今天決定合作投資5.7兆韓元(約新台幣1357億元)在美國建設電池廠,目標在2025年投入生產。
    2023/05/26 17:50
  • 「ENERGY」Toro外公意外身亡!見他「手握信物」哭崩

    偶像男團Energy發起人及創團成員Toro(郭葦昀),18年前演出《雪天使》成為許多人心中的男神,淡出螢光幕多年的他,近日特別客串戲劇《百味小廚神 中元大餐》,演出「土地公」一角,劇情也讓他憶起當初送別外公的過程,忍不住淚崩。
    2023/05/25 12:07
  • 互含嘴唇定情!女星認愛張書偉「開心不起來」夜嘆:邊得到邊失去

    2023/05/11 07:40
  • 與張書偉互含嘴唇分不開!謝京穎「甩不倫風波」大方認愛

    2023/05/10 10:33
  • 才分手勇兔!Energy書偉「喇舌台8女星生情」回家過夜全直擊

    2023/05/10 08:11
  • Energy合體「第6位成員」遭遺忘!書偉全說了 公開缺席真相

    2023/05/01 19:52
  • 你提神都喝什麼牛?「舒跑Energy能量飲」四月上市, 全新首創配方:電解質加牛磺酸,有閃電最牛!

    2023/04/20 16:53
  • Ozone唱一半!經典男團成員衝上台摸胸肌 粉絲嗨翻天

    男團Ozone在15日、16日在台北流行音樂中心一連兩天舉辦「One And Only」首場大型售票演唱會,今(16)日Ozone更驚喜邀請王子邱勝翊擔任嘉賓,讓全場歌迷驚喜不已。當他們唱完L.A. Boyz的〈JUMP〉、Energy的〈放手〉和F4的〈流星雨〉後,歌迷以為回憶殺致敬部分結束之際,王子從升降台緩緩升起,與Ozone一起唱跳JPM的代表作〈那不是雪中紅〉,在去年選秀節目中,王子曾與祖安、文廷及佳辰合作過,當時演出創下佳績,網路討論度爆表,睽違一年再度合體,看著當年還是選手的他們現今已褪去青澀模樣,成為擁有萬人票房實力的超人氣男團Ozone,王子開心說道:「六位成員們都有肉眼可見的明顯進步,每位都更有自信和魅力。」
    2023/04/16 19:17
  • 被問Energy何時合體開唱? Toro現身小巨蛋回應了

    2023/04/09 20:36
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