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    election strategies 結果共16筆

  • DPP confronts social media struggles in post-election review

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) faces challenges breaking through the digital echo chamber, particularly on TikTok, post-2024 election. Vice President-elect Lai Ching-te aims to enhance the party’s social media presence, recognizing its importance in shaping public discourse. Despite concerns about TikTok’s security, the DPP is contemplating a presence on the platform amidst struggles to gain followers and counter misinformation. Efforts to establish a foothold on TikTok have been unsuccessful, revealing difficulties in navigating the algorithm-driven landscape. Comparison with Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman Ko Wen-je’s social media success underscores the DPP’s need to improve efficiency in online engagement strategies.
    2024/03/12 11:55
  • Eric Chu unveils youth-focused political growth plans

    The Kuomintang (KMT) held a post-election gratitude tea ceremony in Yunlin County, where Chairman Eric Chu emphasized the party’s reform strategies and plans to nurture young members for political roles. Chu, along with New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih and Yunlin County Commissioner Chang Li-shan, announced the party’s commitment to increasing engagement with social and web media to appeal to younger voters. Chu highlighted the success of young KMT candidates in the recent legislative elections, with 10 out of 15 securing victory. Mayor Hou emphasized the need for unity and collaboration within the KMT caucus in the Legislative Yuan, particularly with proportional representation legislators from the south. He also urged the party to present facts, rectify misconceptions, and attract new voters while strengthening support from existing ones. The KMT has been actively nurturing young talent in its key structure in recent years.
    2024/01/22 11:28
  • Hou Yu-ih vows oversight for Taiwan Strait security

    New Taipei City mayor Hou Yu-Ih pledges to support Taiwan Strait security and reassure the U.S. as an opposition party member after his presidential election defeat. He emphasizes the need for the newly elected government to carefully address global difficulties and stresses that Taiwan’s unity is crucial in facing future challenges. Hou dismisses claims that alleged fake polls by the Taiwan People’s Party caused the Kuomintang’s electoral defeat and urges acceptance of voters’ decision. Sun Yat-sen School President Chang Ya-chung calls for KMT chairman Eric Chu to step down, but Hou takes responsibility for the election failure as the commander of the campaign.
    2024/01/16 15:16
  • VP hopefuls play key roles in Taiwan’s upcoming election

    Discover how Taiwan’s vice presidential candidates, including Hsiao Bi-khim and Jaw Shaw-kong, are making unprecedented waves in the current elections. Explore their influence on Taiwanese politics and the potential shift in the presidential race.
    2024/01/02 16:05
  • Taiwan election sees DPP’s strategic approach against KMT

    Explore the DPP’s strategic maneuvers in Taiwan’s upcoming presidential election, focusing on swing voters, avoiding TPP confrontation, and balancing support to maintain a lead.
    2023/12/30 16:30
  • Ko Wen-je’s unconventional approach in presidential race

    In the closely contested 2024 presidential election in Taiwan, TPP candidate Ko Wen-je adopts unconventional strategies, focusing on online campaigns and youth participation, challenging the traditional approaches of the KMT and DPP.
    2023/12/27 18:23
  • Taiwan’s election battle: Parties scramble for youth vote

    In the countdown to Taiwan’s national election, major political parties are intensifying efforts to secure the support of young voters, seen as crucial for determining the outcome. Strategies include increased social media engagement and direct interactions with university students.
    2023/12/27 17:05
  • DPP adjusts tactics as internal polls show volatility

    Former Minister of Health and Welfare and campaign manager for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) in Taipei, Chen Shih-chung, has revealed that internal polling indicates fluctuations in voter sentiment during the tightly contested presidential race. Despite the challenging overall race in Taipei, DPP’s presidential candidate, Lai Ching-te, maintains stable support across various demographic groups. The DPP has been conducting internal polls to assist in devising election strategies. Chen countered claims by Kuomintang’s (KMT) Taipei party branch director Huang Lu Ching-ju, stating that the DPP’s findings contradict the approval rating figures of KMT presidential candidates Hou Yu-ih and Jaw Shaw-kong. Chen noted that the KMT has higher support among older voters but struggles to appeal to the younger demographic. While acknowledging the volatility of party-led poll figures, Chen stated that campaign tactics would be adjusted based on these outcomes. DPP legislative candidate Wu Pei-yi remains optimistic about the election in Taipei, suggesting the possibility of a turn of events in both the presidential and legislative elections. The DPP continues to work tirelessly to improve its standing in the challenging district of Taipei.
    2023/12/18 21:03
  • ICRT, TVBS World Taiwan discuss 2024 elections at forum

    As Taiwan prepares for its upcoming elections, media and academic leaders gather to discuss the crucial issues of national security, the role of China, and strategies to engage young voters. The event highlights the significance of accurate information and the impact of these elections on Taiwan’s future.
    2023/12/14 18:44
  • Education head backs bilingual policy despite union concerns

    Taipei’s Education Minister, Pan Wen-chung, responded to concerns raised by the National Federation of Teachers Unions (NFTU) about the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy. Pan emphasized the importance of English proficiency as a crucial competitive skill for students. He emphasized the need for a balanced approach in teaching methods and strategies to ensure that students’ foundational academic abilities are not neglected. The NFTU expressed apprehension that excessive emphasis on English in the bilingual policy could undermine national competitiveness and called for a thorough reassessment of language policies post-election. Pan highlighted the importance of English and digital literacy as vital competencies for students and stressed the necessity of the bilingual policy for English language education. He mentioned that the implementation of the policy allows schools to join gradually and includes plans for teacher training enhancements and the inclusion of foreign instructors. Pan also mentioned that Mandarin courses would be available alongside university courses conducted entirely in English to give students the freedom of choice. He noted that some locales have been overly emphasizing English expertise during teacher recruitment and that the Ministry of Education will issue reminders for a more balanced evaluation. Rolling revisions will be made based on the progress of the bilingual initiative.
    2023/12/07 21:17
  • Low risk of China attack if Lai wins: DPP campaign chief

    In an interview, Yao Li-ming, the campaign chief for the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, stated that if Lai were to win the presidency, the likelihood of a military attack from mainland China is low and the probability of cross-strait warfare is at its lowest. Yao analyzed that China may employ specific strategies in the last two weeks of the election to make Taiwanese voters perceive choosing Lai as "very dangerous," but the DPP has prepared for such scenarios. Yao drew an analogy, stating that if a bully knows that a person will resist to the death, they might not attack at all. Yao also noted that mainland China’s leader Xi Jinping did not mention a timetable for an attack on Taiwan during the recent Xi-Biden meeting, suggesting that Beijing would not rashly initiate conflict. The DPP is willing to interact with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) but cannot accept the preconditions of the "One China" principle set by Beijing. A re-elected DPP administration would send a clear message to China, emphasizing that any resolution to the Taiwan issue must involve the DPP. Yao also contended that a successive DPP administration would reflect the support of Taiwan’s younger generation and mainstream public opinion, revealing to Beijing the necessity of recognizing the DPP’s status. Regarding mainland China’s interference in the elections, Yao disclosed that the DPP is ready to confront any unusual situations that may arise, but specific suspicions cannot be made public at this time.
    2023/12/04 19:56
  • Taipei councilor exposes ’red infiltration’ via China trips

    Taipei City Councilor Chen Yi-chun has expressed concerns about stealthy trips organized by local community leaders to China, questioning whether they could be instances of "red infiltration." Chen highlighted a heavily subsidized trip advertised as a "Wuxi Community Exchange Study," which cost participants just NT$15,000 and included flights, hospitality, and lodging. She suggested that the trip seemed imbued with Chinese propaganda, as it included visits to historical towns, canal boat tours, and a Belt and Road Initiative silk factory, with a guide from the National People’s Congress Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Chen raised concerns about potential organized red infiltration, as local leaders covertly rallied groups and secretly canvassed like-minded community members to join the trip. She also questioned whether the Chinese Communist Party could be using these excursions to influence the votes of Taiwanese local residents in anticipation of Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election. Chen argued that the CCP could be engaging in a multifaceted campaign, including cognitive warfare and expansive propaganda, with the latest strategy involving ground-level infiltration to sway Taiwan’s electorate. She called for Taiwan’s national security agencies to remain vigilant and advised citizens to foster security awareness to guard against possible election meddling strategies by the CCP.
    2023/11/26 18:37
  • TPP’s Vivian Huang makes history as top legislator-at-large

    The Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) has made history in Taiwan’s presidential elections by positioning its campaign manager, Vivian Huang, as the top non-constituency legislator-at-large candidate. This unprecedented move has raised concerns about a potential conflict of interest, as Huang holds the power to nominate while also being involved in the election game. Legislator Chuang Jui-hsiung of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) highlighted Huang’s appointment as a reflection of her close rapport with TPP’s presidential candidate Ko Wen-je and her understanding of the Kuomintang’s (KMT) campaign strategies. Huang’s previous engagement with the KMT provides her with intimate knowledge of the opposition’s tactics, allowing her to preemptively contest any strategic moves. As the presidential candidacies were solidified, attention has turned to the election strategies of the major parties, with Huang’s multiple duties generating scrutiny. Her readiness to counteract tactics demonstrates the intensifying nature of Taiwan’s elections as parties prepare for a fierce battle, where alliances and poll maneuvers could have a significant impact.
    2023/11/25 16:37
  • DPP braces for stronger competition amidst KMT, TPP talks

    The DPP is bracing itself against stronger competition for the 2024 presidential election, regardless of the number of parties involved, while being cautious about the possibility of collaboration between the KMT and TPP. Lai has urged his campaign staff to stay vigilant of political developments.
    2023/10/13 16:23
  • DPP braces for potential Terry Gou presidential bid

    Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) gears up for potential business tycoon Terry Gou’s presidential bid amid uncertainty. DPP Secretary-General Hsu Li-ming stresses caution as speculation grows. Updates on Gou’s political moves and DPP’s strategies leading to 2024 election.
    2023/08/09 20:28
  • Ko Wen-je criticizes KMT, DPP election strategies

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) chairman and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je commented on Friday (Aug. 4) on the election strategies of the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
    2023/08/04 19:30
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