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    男星搶救不治龍天翔我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛2北京清華大學鳳梨離婚季冠軍Benz Maybach S560新店統一獅周杰倫
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    economic threats. 結果共8筆

  • NSB: China’s military drills near Taiwan to become routine

    Discover how China’s military exercises around Taiwan, as reported by the National Security Bureau, signal a new norm and pose multifaceted threats to the island’s security and international relations.
    2024/05/29 15:26
  • Cross-Strait relations tense over ECFA tariff changes

    Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council warns that China’s reduced tariff concessions under the ECFA could harm cross-strait companies, criticizing China’s trade sanction threats and efforts to attract Taiwanese youth with housing and entrepreneur parks.
    2024/04/26 13:25
  • Exploring Taiwan’s democratic challenges at FICA

    Taiwan takes center stage at the 30th Festival International des Cinémas d’Asie (FICA) in Paris as the theme country, showcasing a range of films from the martial law era to the works of new directors. Filmmaker Jean-Robert Thomann, who holds dual citizenship from France and Taiwan, presents his latest documentary, "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy," in FICA’s documentary competition. The film, shot between 2021 and 2023, delves into the challenges faced by Taiwan’s democratic process, examining major referendums and the Taichung legislator election. Thomann believes Taiwan’s global recognition extends beyond seeking a seat in the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of parliamentary links, cultural and economic exchanges, and soft power rooted in creativity. He hopes his documentary will deepen French audiences’ understanding of Taiwan and inspire further exploration of the country. Thomann highlights that threats to Taiwan are not only external but also internal, with social media manipulation and fake news posing challenges to democracies worldwide. Despite these challenges, Thomann regards Taiwan as a remarkable example of democracy, particularly in Asia, and remains optimistic about the island’s democratic system. "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy" premiered at FICA and is set to be screened in France, Taiwan, and Sweden.
    2024/02/07 14:32
  • Taipei official rebukes China’s election meddling in letter

    Taiwan’s Director-General in Boston, Charles Liao, responds to China’s interference in Taiwan’s elections with military threats and economic bullying. Liao highlights Taiwan’s commitment to democracy and refusal to bow to Chinese pressure. The U.S. State Department, Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Union’s European External Action Service congratulate elected officials Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim. Despite China’s attempts at interference through disinformation, military intimidation, and economic threats, Taiwanese voters remain resilient in their pursuit of democracy and freedom. Liao’s response is prompted by a Boston Globe article suggesting that the U.S. should prioritize Taiwan as a democratic partner.
    2024/01/30 16:36
  • Taiwan’s allies voice support as China ramps up intimidation

    China’s military intimidation of Taiwan ahead of the presidential election has been warned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). A joint statement by the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Kritenbrink, Japanese Deputy Minister and Director-General, Kobe Yasuhiro, and Republic of Korea Deputy Minister, Chung Byung-won, expressed support for Taiwan during a three-way dialogue in Washington. China’s recent military threats towards Taiwan, including deploying balloons across the Taiwan strait, violating airspace, and suspending parts of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), have raised concerns among the international community. MOFA has raised suspicions of attempts to influence the election and emphasized Taiwan’s commitment to cooperation with the US, Japan, and South Korea to promote peace, stability, and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.
    2024/01/07 14:56
  • China’s tactics to sway Taiwan votes exposed by envoy

    China’s alleged interference in Taiwan’s 2024 presidential election has been highlighted by Taiwan’s Representative to Australia, Douglas Hsu. In an article published in the Australian Financial Review (AFR), Hsu cited instances where China’s Central Propaganda Department ordered Taiwanese band Mayday and South Korean singer Tzuyu to publicly endorse Beijing’s view on Taiwan’s status. The AFR report emphasizes that China has been interfering in Taiwan’s elections since 1996, using tactics such as military exercises, economic threats, and disinformation campaigns. Hsu noted that Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent New Year’s address, asserting the "inevitable historical trend" of reunification, only strengthens Taiwanese people’s desire for self-determination. Hsu expressed confidence in the Taiwanese people’s ability to discern harmful influences and make their own choices. The AFR, a prominent Australian newspaper specializing in international economics, finance, and politics, published the article.
    2024/01/04 14:39
  • MOEA counters Jaw’s remarks amidst Taiwan’s investment surge

    KMT vice-presidential candidate Jaw Shaw-kong claimed that he invited Taylor Swift to perform in Taiwan in 2023, but she declined due to concerns over the island’s geopolitical risks. Jaw warned that without a peaceful environment, investors would be discouraged from investing in Taiwan, potentially hindering the modernization and progress of businesses. He criticized the DPP for escalating tensions across the Taiwan Strait and believed that the U.S.’s harsh rhetoric and threats could deter potential investors. However, Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs disputed these claims, stating that foreign investment in Taiwan reached US$10.7 billion by November 2023, the second-highest rate in 15 years. The MOEA emphasized that "war risk" did not deter foreign capital, citing major semiconductor companies and AI companies that have recently invested significantly in Taiwan. With the general elections approaching, the MOEA urged Jaw not to damage Taiwan’s reputation for political gain.
    2024/01/02 12:32
  • MOFA head warns of conflict amid authoritarian expansion

    Taiwan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, delivered a speech at Riga Stradins University in Latvia, clarifying Taiwan’s position amid tensions with China. Despite enduring military intimidation, diplomatic isolation, and economic threats from China, Taiwan remains committed to achieving peace through open conversation while being pragmatic and prepared for potential risks. Wu praised the diplomatic relationship between Taiwan and Latvia, as both countries share similar paths to democracy and the establishment of sovereign statehood. However, both countries face unprecedented security challenges, with a standoff between democracy and autocracy driving the current international conflict. Wu emphasized that established democracies cannot ignore the expansion of authoritarianism, which seeks to undermine the rules-based international order. In light of President Tsai’s decision to restore one-year military service, Wu stressed the importance of being armed to protect Taiwan’s freedom, as the cost of losing it is unbearable for a democratic society.
    2023/11/08 20:13
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