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    desertion 結果共4筆

  • Taiwan army conscript returns after unapproved leave

    Discover the story of a Taiwan soldier’s temporary absence from his unit, driven by personal issues, and the military’s balanced approach to discipline and mental health support.
    2024/05/27 11:44
  • Soldier deserts camp, carjacks friend in Taiwan

    Discover the latest on the soldier who fled Chenggongling Camp in Taiwan, marking the second desertion this year amid concerns over military pressures and security.
    2024/05/27 11:09
  • 投奔北韓代價高 美士兵面臨逃兵、持有兒童色情影像罪起訴

    美軍年輕士兵金恩(Travis King)今年七月突然越過北韓38度線「投奔」北韓,在被遣返回國後,《美聯社》(AP)報導,軍方官員透露,已經決定對他提起訴訟,金恩不只面臨逃兵罪(desertion)指控,他同時也將面臨持有未成年兒童色情影像的罪名,一共多達8項罪名等著他。面對寶貝兒子即將被起訴,金恩母親克勞迪(Claudine Gates)對媒體表示,她絕對會提起上訴拯救金恩,要求外界以無罪推定看待自己的兒子。
    2023/10/20 16:41
  • Missing soldier could face desertion charges: Taiwan’s MND

    Taiwan’s military has confirmed that the soldier surnamed Chen from Kinmen Defense Command (KDC), who left his post on March 9, is now in China.
    2023/03/13 18:05
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