
Taiwan army conscript returns after unapproved leave

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/27 11:44
Last update time:2024/05/27 11:44
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Taiwan army conscript returns after unapproved leave (TVBS News) Taiwan army conscript returns after unapproved leave
Taiwan army conscript returns after unapproved leave (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's 10th Field Army (陸軍十軍團) announced on Monday (May 27) that the absence of a soldier, identified only by his surname Chao, from his unit on Sunday night does not currently constitute desertion. However, disciplinary actions will be taken based on the investigation's findings.

Chao, a conscript of the 2229th draft stationed at Chenggongling (成功嶺), Taichung, failed to return to his camp on Sunday evening, prompting a search that concluded with his return to the unit.


The Chenggongling Infantry 5th Battalion (成功嶺步五營) revealed that Chao's actions were driven by family and debt issues, leading to emotional distress.

It was suspected that Chao, unwilling to return to the camp, seized the opportunity to drive away in a vehicle when his brother's friend stepped out to smoke. The military, in collaboration with the police, located Chao at his home in Yunlin (雲林), where they managed to calm him down before escorting him back for counseling.

Despite rumors that Chao had brandished a knife to force his brother's friend out of the car, the 10th Field Army (陸軍十軍團) conducted an investigation and confirmed that no such incident occurred.

The clarification pointed to Chao taking advantage of the situation to flee. The army emphasized that the matter is being handled with care, focusing on both disciplinary measures and the well-being of the conscript involved.

This incident sheds light on the challenges faced by military personnel dealing with personal issues, highlighting the importance of support systems within the armed forces. The 10th Field Army's response underscores a commitment to addressing both disciplinary concerns and the mental health of its members.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan military# conscript desertion# military discipline# Taiwan army# emotional distress# military counseling# Yunlin# Taiwan 10th Field Army incident# conscript emotional distress support# military personnel mental health
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