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    You And I 結果共5筆

  • Mayday wraps up tour in Paris, quashes lip-sync rumors

    Mayday, the Taiwanese rock band, concluded their "I Really Want to See You" concert series with a final show in Paris. The concert, which aimed to dispel lip-syncing rumors, received global accolades for its authenticity. Lead vocalist Ashin emotionally shared his sentiments about the band’s journey, while guitarist Stone thanked fans for their support. Bassist Masa attempted to greet Parisian fans in French, eliciting laughter when his pronunciation was off. Monster, another guitarist, expressed appreciation for fans and encouraged their enthusiasm despite the chilly weather. Guan You shared an amusing anecdote about not being recognized in Paris without his glasses. Highlighting the evening, Ashin delivered powerful vocals, exclaiming his reliance on his throat for 24 years. Mayday’s commitment to live performances resonated deeply with their international fan base.
    2023/12/08 17:23
  • 才放閃老婆!韋禮安突喊失去一段關係 認了:一言難盡

    韋禮安今(11)日舉辦首場「如果可以,我想和你明天再見again」台北小巨蛋演唱會,演唱會後半段,他自彈自唱時,選唱到一首很久沒有表演過的歌曲〈累〉時,透露這首歌是太太指定要點的曲目,他除了感謝老婆一直以來的支持外,還開玩笑的說:「當韋禮安老婆,沒那麼輕鬆。」他也用下一首歌〈Cheap Love〉回應太太,表示雖然這是一首悲傷的情歌,但副歌歌詞「It’s hard to find/Another kind of rhyme/That’s better than You and I」,能代表他們的相遇,直接在小巨蛋萬人面前大方放閃,讓歌迷們尖叫連連。
    2023/11/11 23:06
  • 傑神這次不唱《痴心絕對》 飆卡卡名曲宣告:我回來了

    「情歌王子」李聖傑許久未推出新作,日前他去觀賞周杰倫的演唱會,無預警地被點名合唱,沒想到這一開口立刻受到眾人矚目。近期李聖傑除了唱校園外,也參與大陸大型歌唱綜藝節目《歌手2018》,擔任首發歌手。以多首情歌廣為人知的李聖傑登上《歌手》舞台,首集不是選唱自己的歌曲,而是神詮釋Lady Gaga的歌《You and I》,用男聲的角度重新演繹,收放自如的演唱模式,被網友封為:「傑神!」
    2018/01/13 13:09
  • 改編「最強老爸」經典台詞 嗆兒不打掃就…

    「I will find you and I will kill you.」還記得這句超經典台詞嗎?「最強老爸」連恩尼遜在《即刻救援》裡,為了拯救女兒說出這句帥到掉渣的「嗆聲」,擄獲不少粉絲的心,而這句話卻被國外另一個「最狠老爸」,拿來當作嗆兒子的台詞!
    2015/07/28 18:40
  • 關於「冷氣」變違建被拆的法令規定...

    Q:Dear Sir,After reading your report as follows.I have same trouble as report,and I would like to know the detailed Rule related to your article:「(高)1.2公尺以下,體積0.5立方公尺以下,我們是暫免查報,但如果是佔用巷道、佔用騎樓、防火巷及停車空間,當然除外。」Could you provide what Net-work or Document related to the rule can be checked. Best Regards
    2003/10/27 11:12
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