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    Yiruma 結果共3筆

  • 韓國男神又來了!集郵台灣北中南成就解鎖 登台中歌劇院演出

    被譽為擁有一雙愛情神手的韓國新世紀國寶鋼琴家李閏珉(Yiruma),上月甫二度來台,以《2024 Yiruma李閏珉臻選音樂會》台北站首度登上臺北流行音樂中心,26日主辦方宣布繼高雄衛武營、台北北流之後,Yiruma將最終加開台中站,於4月12日(五)晚上七點半首攻「台中國家歌劇院大劇院」,集郵北中南成就解鎖。
    2024/02/27 12:18
  • Pianist Yiruma adds Kaohsiung concert after sell-out success

    Renowned South Korean pianist and composer Yiruma has announced an additional performance in Taiwan, much to the delight of his fans. The concert will take place at the National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts-Weiwuying on January 12 at 7:30 p.m. Following the sell-out of his January 28 performance in Taipei, Yiruma decided to add the Kaohsiung concert to his schedule due to overwhelming demand. Yiruma expressed his gratitude to his Taiwanese fans and promised to deliver a perfect performance. Yiruma’s compositions, such as "River Flows in You" and "Kiss The Rain," have gained significant popularity in Taiwan. He is considered a leading figure in New Age Music and has seamlessly blended jazz and classical elements in his work. Yiruma has also contributed to Korean drama soundtracks, enhancing the emotional impact of each episode. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness Yiruma’s extraordinary talent in this highly anticipated concert.
    2023/12/22 10:26
  • 韓劇御用鋼琴家Yiruma來了! 1月演奏會加開高雄場「許願吃雞排」

    睽違6年,韓國國寶級鋼琴家Yiruma(李閏珉)將二度來台舉辦鋼琴獨奏會。繼2017於台北國際會議中心首次舉辦音樂會之後,引起許多人共鳴。特別是許多鋼琴學子因〈River flows in You〉及〈Kiss The Rain〉便讓聽眾融入潺潺的樂河之中。明(2024)年1月28日台北流行音樂中心場的5千張已經售罄,不過樂迷們別擔心,1月12日晚間7點半將加開衛武營國家藝術中心場次!Yiruma難忘九份爬山的回憶,許願能帶女兒來台度假,也希望能大吃香雞排。
    2023/12/22 08:57
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