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    Typhoon 結果共139筆

  • Approaching Typhoon Mawar raises concerns in Taiwan

    Taiwan is bracing for the impact of Typhoon Mawar as the storm edges closer this week. The Central Weather Bureau (CWB) has warned that the typhoon will be closest to Taiwan from Wednesday to Thursday, with its effects already being felt since today and expected to persist until Friday.
    2023/05/29 17:49
  • Search continues for junior high student swept into ocean

    Local authorities are diligently continuing their search on Monday (May 29) for a female middle school student who went missing after being swept into the ocean a day earlier. The incident occurred at Neipi Beach near Nanfang’ao in Yilan County.
    2023/05/29 17:36
  • Typhoon Mawar’s impact on Taiwan remains uncertain, says CWB

    As Typhoon Mawar looms closer, Taiwan braces for the potential impact of the powerful storm expected to make its northward shift around Sunday to Monday. The extent of its effects will be determined by the timing and trajectory of this crucial turn, according to Taiwan’s Central Weather Bureau (CWB).
    2023/05/26 16:42
  • 中國駭客組織「伏特颱風」被控攻擊美設施 重點一次看

    西方情報機構和科技企業微軟近期發現中國政府支持的駭客組織「伏特颱風」(Volt Typhoon)攻擊美國關鍵基礎設施,這是迫切的威脅?或只是又一群從事常態刺探的數位間諜?
    2023/05/26 14:46
  • 五眼聯盟、微軟示警! 北京支持駭客「攻擊美國基礎設施」

    美國、英國等「五眼聯盟」國家警告,受中華人民共和國政府支持的駭客組織Volt Typhoon近日被發現攻擊美國關鍵基礎設施,且可能使用同樣技巧攻擊世界其他地方以及基礎設施以外領域。
    2023/05/26 09:10
  • Typhoon Mawar gains strength, threatens Taiwan next week

    Typhoon Mawar, the second typhoon of the year, regained strength on Thursday (May 25) as it escalated to a severe typhoon at 8 a.m., according to the Central Weather Bureau (CWB). Moving west-northwest at a speed of 18 kilometers per hour, the typhoon is expected to impact Taiwan next week.
    2023/05/25 17:35
  • Unpredictable twist: Typhoon Mawar alters course

    Typhoon Mawar, currently classified as a Category 2 typhoon, is rapidly approaching with significant force, raising concerns about potential heavy rainfall in Taiwan over the next 48 hours.
    2023/05/23 16:56
  • Taiwan Air Force kicks off annual military Tianlong Exercise

    Taiwan Air Force’s annual Tianlong Exercise kicked off on Monday (Nov. 7) at Hualien Air Force Base in eastern Taiwan. The exercise was delayed for a week due to a typhoon and heavy rainfall. 
    2022/11/08 18:24
  • Slow-moving typhoon brings torrential rain to Taiwan

    Huge waves roll into Neipi Beach in northern Taiwan’s Yilan County on Sept. 12 as Typhoon Muifa nears the island.
    2022/09/23 14:11
  • Typhoon Muifa brings heavy rainfalls to Taiwan

    Rescue workers are carefully taking each step as they carry an injured 73-year-old woman, who slipped and is now in so much pain that she can not walk by herself.  
    2022/09/23 14:10
  • 軒嵐諾強颱「威力驚人」 上海5萬警應戰、韓啟最高警戒

    被外媒稱為「超級颱風」的強颱軒嵐諾(Typhoon Hinnamnor),挾帶豐沛雨量和強陣風勢,襲擊日本沖繩多個離島地區,也讓遠在北方的南韓非常緊張,總統要求內政部,將颱風預警拉高至最高層級,提前做好濟州島(Jeju)周邊地區的警戒和防備措施。同時,大陸東南沿海各省也繃緊神經,上海市政府更要求5萬名警察禁休,全力應戰這個「可怕」的颱風。
    2022/09/04 10:23
  • 軒嵐諾挾帶強風豪雨襲擊沖繩 南韓濟州島憂受重創

    被外媒稱為「超級颱風」的中颱軒嵐諾(Typhoon Hinnamnor),挾帶豐沛雨量和強陣風勢,襲擊日本沖繩多個離島地區,也讓遠在北方的南韓濟州島(Jeju)非常緊張,提前啟動相關警戒和防備措施。綜合《琉球新報》與《韓國時報》的報導,軒嵐諾驚人的雨量和強風,襲擊宮古、石垣、八重山等島嶼,造成當地出現淹水和房屋倒塌的事故;由於軒嵐諾與19年重創半島的颱風路徑太像,讓南韓氣象廳不敢大意,提前警示濟州島,呼籲當地做好防範準備。
    2022/09/02 11:02
  • 買完飆風買颱風 卡達購戰機不手軟

    2017/12/11 11:04
  • 18戰機被海嘯沖毀 日大手筆購新機

    為了對抗軍力逐漸現代化的中國大陸及俄羅斯,加上今年311大海嘯,日本自衛隊有18架戰鬥機被巨浪毀損,現在必須報廢,日本防衛省決定,要大舉購買新一代的戰鬥機,目前日本考慮3種機型,分別是美製的FA18以及F35,還有歐洲製造的「颱風」戰機(euroflighter typhoon),高達數千億日幣的軍事採購案,引起鄰近的中國大陸高度關注。
    2011/09/26 19:42
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