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    Taiwan energy 結果共120筆

  • NDC Minister eyes swift ECA with Australia for energy ties

    Taiwan’s National Development Council Minister, Kung Ming-hsin, expressed the hope for Taiwan to swiftly sign an Economic Cooperation Agreement (ECA) with Australia. In his speech, he emphasized the potential for collaboration in the hydrogen energy sector to boost industrial development between the two countries. Kung, on behalf of Taiwan’s government, accepted the official release of the 2023 White Paper by the Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce (ANZCHAM). He highlighted the record high trade of US$34.08 billion among Taiwan, New Zealand, and Australia last year. Kung also emphasized Australia’s crucial role as a major supplier of energy and agricultural products for Taiwan, emphasizing the complementarity between their economic industries. He mentioned Taiwan’s involvement in offshore wind financing operations with the Macquarie Group and its target of 10% of its energy mix coming from hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen, illustrating the potential for energy cooperation with New Zealand and Australia.
    2023/12/07 20:42
  • Tainan proudly showcases net-zero efforts at COP28 event

    Discover the sustainable achievements of Tainan City in Taiwan as Director-General Hsu Jen-tse shares the city’s strategies for net-zero sustainability at the COP28 conference. Learn about Tainan’s initiatives to combat extreme weather, promote sustainable development, and achieve low-carbon adaptation. Explore their efforts in constructing an electric bus transport system and implementing smart parking solutions to reduce air pollution. With a focus on renewable energy, Tainan aims to become a solar-powered city with 4GW of solar panel installations. Additionally, the city is actively harnessing renewable water sources, projecting a future water supply of 83,000 cubic meters per day.
    2023/12/07 18:51
  • Taiwan issues "Songshan Declaration" at COP28

    A civilian group from Taiwan, the Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition (TWYCC), unveiled the "Songshan Declaration" at a side event related to the upcoming 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai. The declaration calls for fair transition strategies to combat climate change. TWYCC representative Gina Lee highlighted the controversial solar energy development in Tainan’s Qigu area, discussing its negative impact on local aquaculture fishers. The group also explored examples of just transition, such as solar development in Cigu and the electrification of scooters, expressing concern about the government’s lack of dialogue with youth. The "Songshan Declaration" was jointly initiated by stakeholders from Taiwan’s industries, government, academia, and civil society, pledging to enforce the Climate Change Response Act and engage in the global stocktake. Chen Hui-ping, Chairperson of the Taiwan Green Energy for Charity Association, shared experiences of enabling social change through the "Green Well (GW) 100+" initiative, which has installed solar power systems for underprivileged communities and conducted energy audits and equipment replacements in social welfare institutions. The association emphasized that their model of green charity fosters wider stakeholder participation and contributes positively to the energy transition.
    2023/12/07 17:02
  • Taiwan eyes future in nuclear tech, open to reactors

    Taiwan’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Wang Mei-hua, has announced that Taiwan will closely monitor the development of new nuclear technologies, such as small modular reactors and fusion power, and remain open to their adoption. Premier Chen Chien-jen has highlighted that addressing the challenges surrounding nuclear waste from fusion technology could significantly increase societal support for the technology. This declaration comes as over 20 countries, including the United States and Japan, proposed at the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) to triple global nuclear power capacity by 2050. Additionally, nearly 120 countries committed to tripling renewable energy generation internationally within the next seven years. At COP28, 22 countries advocated for nuclear energy, focusing on small modular reactors and nuclear fusion technology, as well as securing international financial support for their development. These discussions at COP28 reflect a growing interest in diverse and innovative approaches to addressing climate change and powering the future.
    2023/12/06 14:56
  • ITRI, Tokyo Tech ink deal for tech, green energy research

    The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has signed a cooperation agreement with the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) to collaborate on semiconductors, net zero emissions, biotech and medicine, and startups. The aim is to leverage complementary strengths to achieve mutual benefits. ITRI President Edwin Liu highlighted the cultural and professional parallels between Taiwan and Japan, emphasizing the potential for a win-win situation. Tokyo Tech President Kazuya Masu expressed interest in biotech, medicine, and startups, and looked forward to further international cooperation. Both institutes shared their respective advances in clean energy and green transition. The partnership is strategic as Tokyo Tech prepares to merge with Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), offering opportunities for expansion into the biomedical field. The collaboration will be deepened through technical symposiums and sharing of research outcomes, setting a benchmark for international research partnerships.
    2023/12/05 21:42
  • DPP Lai refutes KMT Hou’s comments on solar power policy

    In Taiwan’s intensifying election race, Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching-te staunchly defended solar power as a national policy, countering criticism from KMT rival Hou Yu-ih. The debate underscores the growing importance of green energy in Taiwanese politics.
    2023/12/05 17:31
  • Lai Ching-te unveils vision for ’Made in Taiwan’ strength

    DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te emphasized the importance of kindness among Taiwanese people and his vision for Taiwan’s future during his speech at the inaugural meeting of his campaign headquarters in Taoyuan. The event was attended by prominent DPP figures, including President Tsai Ing-wen. Lai’s pairing with his vice-presidential running mate Hsiao Bi-khim, dubbed the "Virtue Team," has garnered attention online. Lai advocated for democracy over dictatorship and called for support of Taiwan’s international industry without relying too heavily on China. He outlined policies to boost industries such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and green energy technology. Lai also criticized the "Blue-White Alliance" between the KMT and TPP as a merger focused on party interests and personal power. He emphasized the need for the DPP to secure a legislative majority to smoothly implement these policies.
    2023/11/26 17:51
  • CNFI to host economic forum with presidential hopefuls

    The Chinese National Federation of Industries (CNFI) will host the "2023 Taiwan Economic Development Forum — Dialogue with Future National Leaders" on Nov. 27, 29-30. The forum aims to address critical issues for Taiwan’s economic development, including industrial development, energy, environmental protection, labor force, taxation, international trade, cross-strait economic relations, long-term care, and social insurance. Key candidates for the upcoming presidential election, including Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je, Kuomintang (KMT) New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih, and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te, will present their policies and participate in discussions. The forum will be presided over by CNFI Chairman Matthew F.C. Miau, Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce (CNAIC) Chairman Thomas Wu, and General Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of China (ROCCOC) Chairman Paul Hsu. The event will take place at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC).
    2023/11/24 18:10
  • KMT candidate blasts DPP, Taipower for Kaohsiung blackouts

    KMT candidate criticizes DPP and Taipower for power outages in Kaohsiung. Outages disrupt transportation and businesses. Candidate questions DPP’s energy policies and financial losses. Concerns raised about impact on major industries.
    2023/11/22 20:23
  • Trump threatens to revoke Biden’s IPEF framework if elected

    Former U.S. President Donald Trump has stated that he would revoke current President Joe Biden’s Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) if he wins the 2024 presidential election. Trump argues that the IPEF could negatively impact the American manufacturing industry and lead to increased unemployment rates. The U.S. previously withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) due to similar concerns. Negotiations for Biden’s IPEF began in September 2022, with a focus on major southern powers like India and Indonesia, aiming to promote economic cooperation and exclude China. The IPEF includes countries such as Australia, Singapore, Japan, and 10 other Indo-Pacific nations, constituting about 40% of the global GDP. It emphasizes fair and resilient trade, supply chain resilience, and clean energy. Taiwan’s chief trade negotiator expressed the country’s interest in monitoring the IPEF’s development and presenting a proposal for Taiwan’s inclusion at the appropriate time. President Tsai Ing-wen has also expressed Taiwan’s desire to join the IPEF, believing it would create more business opportunities for Taiwanese and U.S. companies.
    2023/11/20 12:11
  • NDC notes Taiwan’s breakthroughs in green energy transition

    The Taiwanese government is taking preemptive measures to achieve its goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Premier Chen Chien-jen highlights the importance of a talented workforce and enhanced research in guiding industries towards a green energy transition. The government is also focused on strengthening strategies and providing better services for domestic industries. The National Development Council is actively removing obstacles to land acquisition for overseas businesses returning to Taiwan. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has proposed a plan to increase water supply capacity and promote the use of reclaimed and desalinated water. Additionally, the MOEA is investing in renewable energy infrastructure, particularly in solar and offshore wind power, with the aim of establishing high-performance offshore wind ports.
    2023/11/16 21:21
  • ASVDA to host talks on Taiwan-Japan industry ties and EVs

    Amid strengthening industry ties between Taiwan and Japan, ASVDA plans discussions on EVs and smart technology. Gartner predicts a significant rise in global EV shipments, while the IEA foresees a major shift towards sustainable energy.
    2023/11/13 20:32
  • Taiwan’s CPC Corporation plans hydrogen station expansion

    Explore Taiwan’s latest steps in green energy: setting up hydrogen refueling stations and CPC Corporation’s plan to build Kaohsiung’s first hydrogen station. Discover how these initiatives align with Taiwan’s 2050 Net-Zero Transition Strategy.
    2023/11/13 18:07
  • Data shows rise in negative perceptions of ruling DPP

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has seen a rise in negative perceptions due to disputes over imported eggs, according to data from the Taiwan Public Opinion Research Center (TPOC). The center analyzed online opinions from January to October and found that the DPP received more negative than positive reactions. Public dissatisfaction with the DPP is linked to disputes over imported eggs, tensions in the Taiwan Strait, fraud and cybersecurity concerns, and energy shortages. Other factors include unsafe pedestrian traffic, residential justice issues, subsidies for private schools, unclear labeling of American pork, and disputes over flu vaccination. Despite the diminishing lead, DPP presidential candidate Lai Ching-te remains ahead with over 60 days until the 2024 general election. All political parties must intensify their efforts to win public support as the election approaches.
    2023/11/13 11:37
  • NSTC head confirms Taiwan’s effort in global fusion research

    Taiwan’s Minister of Science and Technology Council (MOST) has acknowledged the country’s investments in high-temperature plasma and fusion research. While recognizing the potential of collaborating with overseas partners for the development of fusion power plants, the Minister stated that the current high cost of research funds makes it unfeasible at present. The issue was raised during an inquiry at the Executive Yuan Education and Culture Committee by Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) legislator Jang Chyi-lu, who expressed concerns about Taiwan’s ability to invest in nuclear fusion research. Jang highlighted the global interest in fusion power as a clean energy source. The Minister confirmed that Taiwan is actively advancing in controlled fusion research, particularly in magnetic confinement fusion, which aids in reducing carbon emissions. However, he cautioned that commercializing nuclear fusion may take 20 to 30 years. Kuomintang legislator Cheng Li-wun pointed out that the budget allocated for net-zero emissions research this year is significantly larger than the funds allocated for nuclear fusion research. Minister Wu acknowledged that Taiwan’s investment efforts in this area are conservative compared to other countries but did not rule out the possibility of participating in future global research opportunities.
    2023/11/10 21:42
  • MOEA ensures sufficient land for semiconductor industry

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) reassures that Taiwan has sufficient land for the semiconductor industry, despite concerns over shortages in land, water, energy, labor, and talent. Media reports claimed that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (TSMC) had abandoned its Longtan plant, highlighting potential issues in the semiconductor industry. However, the MOEA states that it is actively working on land allocation and expansion plans in science parks and industrial parks. The government aims to meet all land requirements for industry expansion and new factories, while providing full services to manufacturing businesses. The MOEA is fully committed to assisting semiconductor companies in developing in Taiwan, with the goal of maintaining Taiwan’s dominant role in global semiconductor manufacturing.
    2023/11/09 15:05
  • Taiwan, UK sign historic ETP, strengthening diplomatic ties

    Taiwan and the UK have signed a historic Enhanced Trade Partnership (ETP), marking the first trade agreement of its kind between Taiwan and a European country. The agreement covers digital trade, investment, renewable energy, and net-zero carbon emissions. Future discussions may include trade facilitation, anti-corruption initiatives, and service industry management. Taiwan is the first country in the Indo-Pacific region to sign an ETP deal with the UK. The agreement is seen as a symbol of enhanced Taiwan-UK relations and could serve as a model for other nations. The deal is particularly significant considering the UK’s entrance into the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which may have implications for Taiwan’s prospective membership.
    2023/11/09 09:55
  • Vice President Lai praises soaring Taiwan-EU trade

    Vice President Lai Ching-te envisions Taiwan as a global haven for democracy, justice, innovation, and sustainability, as he addresses the European Chamber of Commerce. He emphasizes the need to strengthen trade and investment relations with the European Union through a Free Trade Agreement or Bilateral Investment Treaty. Taiwan-EU trade has flourished, with Europe being the largest source of foreign investment. Lai highlights the importance of maintaining a stable Strait and opposes any attempt to change the status quo by force. He also commits to Taiwan’s national vision of achieving net-zero transitions by diversifying green energy sources and implementing high-tech solutions for energy conservation.
    2023/11/08 20:03
  • Taiwan urges Australian PM to oppose changes in Strait

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) spokesperson, Jeff Liu, urged Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to oppose any changes to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait to China. Taiwan hopes that Australia will defend its shared interests and values with Taiwan while maintaining stable relations with China. This comes after Albanese’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who claimed that China does not engage in exclusivist blocs or confrontational politics. MOFA disagreed with this statement, citing China’s behavior in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. Liu emphasized the shared interests of Taiwan and Australia in upholding freedom, democracy, human rights, the rule of law, and ensuring peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. He also highlighted the common Trans-Pacific Partnership interests between the two nations. Liu further noted the steady development of relations between Taiwan and Australia, with Taiwan becoming Australia’s fifth-largest trading partner and fourth-largest export market, while Australia is Taiwan’s leading supplier of energy and mineral resources.
    2023/11/07 17:32
  • Lai vows to shape Taiwan into a democratic nation

    Lai Ching-te inaugurates his 2024 campaign headquarters in Tainan, drawing over 20,000 supporters. He recalls Tainan’s past challenges and highlights his vision for a democratic and innovative Taiwan.
    2023/11/05 12:25
  • Renewable energy becomes focus ahead of 2024 elections

    Presidential candidates in Taiwan have unveiled energy policies that prioritize renewable energy and low-carbon gas as bridging fuels. Taipower, the national power company, has announced plans to accelerate the construction of gas turbine units across the country. The Hsieh-Ho Power Plant, which supplies electricity to the northern region, is currently undergoing an environmental impact assessment. Shifting from oil to gas can reduce air pollution by 96% and greenhouse gas emissions by 52%. In recent years, the government, private sector, and Taipower have made significant efforts to increase the capacity of renewable energy devices. As of September this year, the cumulative capacity of photovoltaic installations exceeded 11.55 million kilowatts, and wind power reached 2,583,000 kilowatts. By prioritizing green energy and using gas, Taipower has reduced air pollution emissions from thermal power plants by 60%, dropping from approximately 107,000 metric tons in 2016 to about 42,000 metric tons in 2022.
    2023/11/04 14:02
  • Taiwan’s renewable energy market valued at billions

    The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has announced an 8.6 percent rebound in output, driven by developments in solar and wind power. Taiwan’s renewable energy market is expected to reach NT$200 billion in 2024. This was revealed during an ITRI industry forum that focused on cross-discipline cooperation in carbon solution exchange. Jay Wang, Vice Director of ITRI Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center, highlighted the challenges faced by the global economy due to high inflation and interest rates, which have increased investment costs for renewable energy development. Wang emphasized the importance of renewable energy in achieving a net-zero economy by 2050, but noted that oversupply has resulted in lower prices and the need for different approaches. Despite these challenges, Taiwan has excelled in the development and innovation of renewable energy, particularly offshore wind power, with an accumulated capacity of 2GW to date.
    2023/11/03 21:39
  • MOEA refutes Ko’s criticism of government’s energy policy

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) refutes Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je’s critique of the government’s photovoltaic policy. Ko had visited Tainan earlier in the day, criticizing the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for prioritizing anti-nuclear sentiments over responsible photovoltaic energy development.
    2023/10/29 13:21
  • TSIA Chair urges government to prepare for AI revolution

    Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association Chair Cliff Hou has made four key suggestions to the government in a proposal, emphasizing the need to prepare for significant changes in the global semiconductor industry due to the rise of AI.
    2023/10/27 20:03
  • Taichung mini hydroelectric plant to complete by year’s end

    The "Taichung City Mini Hydroelectric Development Plan" in Taiwan has signed a 20-year contract with collaborating companies for total funding. The project, led by Fong He Green Energy & Environment Co. and JetPro, aims to create a mini hydroelectric facility within Taichung City. The first facility, the Shishuike Creek mini hydroelectric power plant, is set to be completed by the end of the year and will have an installation capacity of 185KW.
    2023/10/26 11:27
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