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    TVBS 結果共10,000筆

  • 直擊/張學友歌迷哭了!生日當天歌神失約 她哽咽曬「珍藏合照」

    2024/06/07 18:56
  • 藍心湄罕動怒!主持《女大》21年遭傳跳槽發聲 霸氣護曾莞婷:妹別怕

    2024/06/07 16:56
  • 2024演唱會時間表》(G)I-DLE、DUA LIPA台灣演唱會門票資訊整理

    2024年演唱會資訊即時掌握不間斷!6月演唱會最新消息:(G)I-DLE宣布10月來台開唱,全球流行天后Dua Lipa杜娃黎波11月嗨翻桃園,《TVBS新聞網》盤點台灣演唱會資訊,時間地點、票價及售票平台一次整理到位、不斷更新!
    2024/06/07 16:37
  • Ko criticizes "fanciful" round-the-island railway proposal

    Explore the debate over Taiwan’s NT$2 trillion transportation proposal, including a round-the-island high-speed railway. Ko Wen-je urges financial prudence, emphasizing the need for a thorough review before proceeding with such ambitious projects.
    2024/06/07 15:43
  • TVBS攜手必應創造操刀 2024「桃園燈會」勇奪國際設計雙金獎

    TVBS攜手必應創造操刀 2024「桃園燈會」勇奪國際設計雙金獎
    2024/06/07 15:34
  • 超微在台灣設研發中心?蘇姿丰《TVBS專訪》曝未來10年願景

    2024/06/07 15:17
  • Taiwan assures sufficient power for NVIDIA’s expansion

    Discover how Taiwan addresses power supply concerns amid NVIDIA’s expansion, with a focus on sustainable energy and transparent pricing policies.
    2024/06/07 15:15
  • 《家族榮耀》楊茜堯產後首復出 羅子溢同台老婆竟「要求分房」

    TVBS 42頻道熱播劇《家族榮耀》本週進入新一波高潮,馬家二少爺黃浩然行賄的20瓶紅酒成為定罪的關鍵證物,不僅丟了馬氏集團行政總裁(CEO)的位置,也為馬家帶來一場前所未有的腥風血雨,並揭開不為人知的豪門內幕。主角們張智霖、楊茜堯、黃浩然、李彩華、羅子溢之間的愛恨情仇與權力鬥爭也浮上檯面。
    2024/06/07 15:09
  • Byeon Woo-seok greeted by over a thousand fans in Taiwan

    Discover how South Korean actor Byeon Woo-seok received a grand welcome by over a thousand fans at Taoyuan International Airport, ahead of his Taiwan fan meeting, showcasing his immense popularity.
    2024/06/07 14:42
  • Taiwan’s defense minister to cut ceremonial drills

    Discover how Taiwan’s Defense Minister Wellington Koo plans to modernize the military by abolishing traditional practices like bayonet training and goose-stepping to focus on combat readiness.
    2024/06/07 14:17
  • 哈佛混血賀博披中華隊戰袍!再戰今年瓊斯盃 抵台時間曝光

    台美混血賀氏兄弟檔賀丹(Adam Hinton)、賀博(Robert Hinton)去年暑假在瓊斯盃刮起籃球炫風,面對各國好手,就讀康乃爾大學三年級的賀丹繳出場均14.1分、3.4籃板、2.6助攻的成績,弟弟賀博也有場均13.9分、3籃板、1.8助攻進帳。《TVBS新聞網》今(7)天致電中華民國籃球協會,籃協表示,賀氏兄弟今年將再戰瓊斯盃,預計6月6日抵台。
    2024/06/07 13:59
  • NVIDIA CEO lauds Taiwan’s role in global AI development

    Discover how NVIDIA’s CEO Jensen Huang celebrated Taiwan’s key role in AI development at a dinner in Taipei, highlighting the symbolic "AI" in Taiwan’s name and planning future collaborations.
    2024/06/07 13:58
  • Taiwan seeks closer ties with India post Modi’s re-election

    MOFA to deepen Taiwan-India ties post-election. China objects to Lai’s message to re-elected Modi. MOFA: ROC is sovereign, not subordinate to PRC. Taiwan to engage globally on shared values.
    2024/06/07 13:44
  • 端午節加碼!foodpanda現折400 6月海量優惠碼快收

    5月才剛繳完稅,荷包是否還空空如也?那就要從日常生活抓緊優惠,foodpanda 6月推出首購優惠最高可以折100元,此外如果是pandapro會員,補貨藥妝店最高折抵400元。6月適逢端午節,再加碼海量優惠碼,《TVBS新聞網》為您整理優惠碼懶人包。
    2024/06/07 13:29
  • Uber Eats 6月折扣碼懶人包來了!最高現折200再享買一送一

    在物價飛漲的時代,薪水卻停滯不前的現象下,小資族如何找尋優惠?Uber Eats本月為首次購買、會員、美食或生鮮外送等各類消費者推出了一系列的優惠碼,最高可享現折200元,並有指定餐廳推出「買一送一」的優惠!《TVBS新聞網》特此為您整理出這份優惠碼懶人包。
    2024/06/07 13:28
  • U.S. arms sale strengthens Taiwan’s defense capabilities

    Explore how Taiwan is bolstering its defense capabilities in response to China’s recruitment of Western pilots, focusing on advanced pilot training, new tactics, and technological advancements in military equipment, including drones and F-16 jets.
    2024/06/07 12:33
  • MAC head warns travelers after detention incident in China

    Discover the latest on cross-strait relations: Taiwan’s MAC confirms the release of a detained Taiwanese tour group member in China and highlights safety concerns for travelers. Read more about the incident and the implications for the upcoming Straits Forum.
    2024/06/07 12:20
  • 邊佑錫來台!韓媒直呼國賓級待遇 奇蹟長腿照嚇瘋韓網:在走秀?

    2024/06/07 12:17
  • Premier reaffirms Taiwan’s commitment to nuclear-free future

    Discover Taiwan’s commitment to a nuclear-free future and green energy development as Premier Cho Jung-tai addresses concerns over nuclear power extension, emphasizing stable power supply and leading green energy initiatives by 2030.
    2024/06/07 12:07
  • TVBS專訪「半導體女王」蘇姿丰 深度剖析AI未來發展藍圖

    2024/06/07 12:00
  • 最美檢座是「他」 陳漢章「女裝穿搭」暴紅

    2024/06/07 11:56
  • "Miss Saigon" tour begins in Taiwan, captivating audiences

    Hsi-kung Hsiao-chieh captivates Taiwan audiences. Musical explores love and war’s harsh realities. Iconic scenes include helicopter and Cadillac. Tour spans Taichung, Tainan, and Taipei till July 7.
    2024/06/07 10:46
  • Taipower urged to end reliance on government subsidies

    Discover how Taiwan’s new Economic Affairs Minister, J.W. Kuo, advocates for Taiwan Power Company’s financial independence, challenging the current reliance on government subsidies amid significant losses.
    2024/06/07 10:26
  • Heavy rainfall expected in central, southern Taiwan today

    Discover the latest weather forecast for Taiwan, including brief showers, thunderstorms, and potential heavy rainfall in central and southern regions. Stay informed on air quality and temperature insights for safe travel and comfort.
    2024/06/07 10:13
  • 課後回饋看到孩子的蛻變

    2024/06/07 09:00
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