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    T 結果共10,000筆

  • Seasonal job seekers push Taiwan’s unemployment up slightly

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s unemployment rate, which rose to 3.48% in August, the lowest for the month in 24 years, despite a slight increase from July. Learn more about the job market trends and the impact of the graduation season on employment.
    2024/09/23 17:57
  • New Taipei school receives EV in honor of boxer Lin Yu-ting

    Discover how Olympic boxing champion Lin Yu-ting celebrated a generous donation of an electric vehicle to her alma mater, Yingge Junior High School, enhancing sports team mobility.
    2024/09/23 17:39
  • Taiwanese man under investigation in China for alleged fraud

    Discover the story of Kuo Yu-hsuan, a 22-year-old Taiwanese resident under investigation for alleged fraud in China after his mysterious disappearance in August. Learn more about his family’s search and fears.
    2024/09/23 17:32
  • Director hopes Wu Kang-ren won’t degrade Taiwan for fame

    Discover the latest on actor Wu Kang-ren’s potential career move to China and Director Wang I-hsin’s supportive yet cautionary response. Explore the implications of Wu’s past political activism on this decision.
    2024/09/23 17:18
  • Taiwan’s Lee Meng-yuan tops world shooting rankings

    Discover how Taiwan’s sharpshooter Lee Meng-yuan rose to the top of the ISSF world rankings, marking a historic achievement with his Olympic bronze and victories in international competitions.
    2024/09/23 17:16
  • 全美年輕世代受泰勒絲號召 「18歲首投族」登記數暴增53%

    美國將在11月迎來總統大選,流行樂天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)日前在Instagram表態、力挺民主黨參選人賀錦麗(Kamala Harris)後,還呼籲選民投票,最新統計數據顯示上周有超過15萬人登記成為選民、創下史上最高,另外點擊泰勒絲貼出的連結並登記的選民超過33萬,可見其驚人的影響力。
    2024/09/23 17:15
  • Janet Chia receives death threat, urges online caution

    Discover how Janet Chia, the new chairperson of Taipei 101, responds to a death threat and her call for online caution. Learn about the challenges she faces in her role and her commitment to her responsibilities.
    2024/09/23 16:43
  • Yilan fisherman catches rare deep-sea shell, plans to sell

    Discover the story of a Taiwanese fisherman in Yilan County who caught a rare Rumphius’ slit shell and plans to sell it, sparking a debate on wildlife conservation. The National Taiwan Museum urges the return of such species to their natural habitats, highlighting the importance of preserving marine biodiversity for future generations.
    2024/09/23 16:38
  • Interior Minister Liu champions hands-on disaster training

    Discover how Taiwan’s Interior Minister Liu Shyh-fang plans to boost disaster preparedness among Examination Yuan trainees, aiming for 50,000 certified officers by 2025. Learn about the shift towards practical skills and the expansion to businesses for ESG goals.
    2024/09/23 16:32
  • TVBS《娛樂頭條》今晚9點首集開播!每週一到五暢談娛樂圈內幕

    2024/09/23 16:28
  • 32 join lawsuit against eatery after deadly food poisoning

    Discover the details of a class-action lawsuit against Polam Kopitiam in Taipei, where 32 people seek justice for a food poisoning incident that claimed six lives. Learn about the legal battle and its implications for food safety.
    2024/09/23 16:17
  • Tsai demands Taichung traffic overhaul after fatal crash

    Discover how DPP Legislator Tsai Chi-chang is urging Taichung City for traffic improvements following a fatal accident, highlighting the city’s high traffic casualty rates and the need for a safer urban environment.
    2024/09/23 16:09
  • 泰勒絲未現身球場、凱爾斯陷低潮 美網狂酸:心中只有女友

    美式足球(NFL)新球季正式開打,堪薩斯酋長隊(Kansas City Chiefs)明星球員凱爾斯(Travis Kelce)依然是場上焦點人物,他與天后女友泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)之間所有互動,更是外媒與粉絲追逐的重要話題。只不過,這位明星球員在新賽季初期,卻似乎陷入低潮,比賽表現乏善可陳。日前對戰亞特蘭大獵鷹隊(Atlanta Falcons)的比賽中,甚至被拍到坐在板凳一臉沮喪頹廢,由該場賽事泰勒絲並未現身球場加油,大批美國球迷留言狂酸凱爾斯,認為他心中只有女友,甚至有人直接表示、「這將是凱爾斯最後一個賽季,因為他根本不在乎美式足球!」
    2024/09/23 15:57
  • 吳慷仁遭瘋傳「簽約中國經紀公司」!名導拜託1事:否則可惜了

    2024/09/23 15:56
  • 日麥當勞「一日菜單」6餐漢堡雞塊薯條 網爆笑吐槽:會早死

    2024/09/23 15:52
  • Taipei mayor leads bike ride, sparks record YouBike rentals

    Discover how Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s World Car Free Day initiative led to a record 270,000 YouBike rentals and the steps being taken to address the resulting bike and docking station shortages.
    2024/09/23 15:49
  • 張惠妹大巨蛋開唱...搶票倒數!「1身分」爽提早1天搶購

    天后aMEI張惠妹首度唱進臺北大巨蛋,12月21日起一連舉辦5場《ASMR Maxxx @ Taipei Dome世界巡迴演唱會》,成為大巨蛋第一位舉辦跨年演唱會的歌手,演唱會門票預料也將是一票難求。台灣大哥大和旗下影音串流平台MyVideo為回饋用戶,推出優先搶票,凡台灣大VIP用戶、5G指定資費用戶、MyVideo返利黑卡會員,於指定時間進入台灣大客服APP或MyVideo專區,即有機會獲取限量序號,提前1天進入官方售票系統獨立專區,優先搶票。
    2024/09/23 15:39
  • Heavy rain warnings issued for 18 Taiwan areas

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather as the CWA issues heavy rain warnings for 18 counties, including Taipei and New Taipei City, due to a weather front. Stay informed on areas at risk and safety precautions.
    2024/09/23 15:36
  • Ex-legislator suggests hiring Afghan mercenaries

    Explore the challenges Taiwan faces with military personnel shortages due to declining birth rates and the proposal to recruit mercenaries from Afghanistan. Learn about the current state of Taiwan’s National Military and potential solutions.
    2024/09/23 15:26
  • Soup Dumpling Index measures global purchasing power

    Axios introduces the "Soup Dumpling Index," revealing global purchasing power differences. Taipei ranks high, offering 15.7 dumplings for US$10, while Kuala Lumpur tops the list.
    2024/09/23 15:16
  • KMT legislator: Taiwan’s housing policy as a ’cash giveaway’

    Discover how Taiwan’s National Land Management Agency is expanding its rental subsidy policy to aid young renters, with plans to allocate NT$335 billion next year. Amid criticism, the policy shows a 70% approval rate.
    2024/09/23 14:52
  • Analysts highlight ’Taiwan+1’ strategy to boost supply chain

    Explore the latest insights on Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, including the "Taiwan+1" strategy for expanding production bases and mitigating geopolitical risks. Analysts discuss the impact on global supply chains and AI market competition.
    2024/09/23 14:49
  • 「沒勇氣再看」螢火蟲之墓登Netflix 美網震驚:最強反戰電影

    由吉卜力工作室製作,於1988年上映的經典動畫電影《螢火蟲之墓》(Grave of the Fireflies),16日在世界上190國的Netflix上架,描述了二戰期間一對兄妹目睹母親遇襲身亡,在防空洞求生存,寫實地呈現出戰爭帶來的殘害、悲傷與絕望。有不少年輕觀眾是首次看到這部作品,其中一名美國觀眾震驚留下極高評價,甚至推薦所有人都應該觀賞:「這是我看過反戰訊息最強烈的電影」。
    2024/09/23 14:48
  • Two new witnesses summoned in Gold Apollo investigation

    Discover the latest on the investigation into Gold Apollo and the Hezbollah pager explosion case, including the questioning of new witnesses and the search for evidence. Authorities aim to ensure public safety and clarify Taiwanese involvement.
    2024/09/23 14:35
  • 金鐘59/楊貴媚時隔7年再雙料入圍 2種母親收放自如

    2024/09/23 14:26
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