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    SEO 結果共7筆

  • 谷歌認了 2500頁內部SEO極機密文件真的外流

    2024/05/30 17:15
  • 徐睿知形象重創3年後「首度開設個人IG」 連3美照一天吸近30萬粉

    2024/04/27 11:25
  • Tourism Administration to launch travel program for seniors

    The Tourism Administration plans to launch a new travel program called "Golden Years" (凰金遊程Golden Years) next year, targeting senior travelers in response to Taiwan’s aging population. With an estimated senior travel demographic of 4 million individuals, Taiwan sees a potential tourist value of up to NT$120 billion. Deputy Director-General Lin Hsin-Jen expects a 10% to 20% growth in output value, reaching NT$120 billion, with domestic tours for the elderly market accounting for approximately NT$40 billion and international travelers adding NT$60 billion. Travel agencies and hotels are now focusing on marketing efforts and introducing 11 Golden Years itineraries to cater to this demographic’s preferences. Discounts and leisurely itineraries are being offered to accommodate the spending power of senior travelers.
    2023/11/22 19:47
  • AI shifts but doesn’t rule media landscape: Bruyas

    During a panel discussion at CTeC Asia, Dimitri Bruyas, the head of TVBS World Taiwan, spoke about the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence in journalism. While AI can help streamline tasks like video editing, it can’t replace the nuanced work of human journalists, especially in areas like fact-checking and ethical reporting.
    2023/10/22 17:32
  • 領越南國足奪冠 韓籍教頭促民間外交

    越南哈韓現象越來越盛,風氣更進一步擴大到體育界,這都是因為一名南韓足球教練朴恒緒(Park Hang Seo),他帶領越南國家足球隊,拿下睽違10年的東南亞足球錦標賽冠軍。在他指導下,越南隊在三場重要國際比賽上,成績亮眼;電視節目、網路上紛紛歌頌韓籍教練;然而他卻很謙虛,要大家把熱情轉為對祖國的喜愛,進一步拉近韓越兩國關係,被封為最佳外交官。
    2018/12/17 19:59
  • 小企業變國際公司 SEO增3成生意

    2007/07/20 19:22
  • 新興行業! 「SEO」搜尋引擎最佳化

    2007/07/20 19:20
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