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  • Taichung Bank hit with NT$12M fine for regulatory breaches

    Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has fined Taichung Bank NT$12 million for ineffective internal control systems and violations of banking regulations. The bank’s chairman, Wang Kuei-fong, allegedly diverted NT$1 billion in public funds, resulting in his arrest and bail set at NT$15 million. The FSC discovered that Taichung Bank’s insurance subsidiaries had close ties to specific credit customers and their related companies, leading to questionable trading decisions and unsatisfactory internal controls. Wang will be suspended for three months and may face additional fines. The issue was uncovered during a financial inspection in February 2023. Taichung Bank had been leasing aircraft since 2020 to expand overseas business, but neglected their utilization for 13 months, leading to inappropriate decision-making. The bank also leased high-priced official cars for VIP pickups at a monthly rate of NT$820,000, but the vehicles were only used twice during the lease period, raising concerns about cost-effectiveness.
    2024/02/01 18:04
  • Taiwanese unaware of carbon reduction policies: survey

    Eugene Chien, president of the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy, discusses the challenges and opportunities of Taiwan’s planned carbon fee by 2025, aimed at achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Insights from a recent survey show public unawareness and dissatisfaction with current climate change efforts, stressing the need for alignment with global carbon taxation trends and the integration of AI with ESG initiatives.
    2024/02/01 15:52
  • Legislative Yuan elects new leadership amid high stakes

    The 11th term legislators in Taiwan reported for duty and will elect the new Speaker and Vice Speaker of the Legislative Yuan. Notable incumbents include Han Kuo-yu, Wang Shih-chien, and Huang Kuo-chang. The KMT has put forth Han Kuo-yu and Johnny Chiang as candidates, while the DPP has nominated You Si-kun and Tsai Chi-chang. The TPP has unanimously elected Huang Shan-shan as its candidate. The KMT controls 54 seats, the DPP holds 51, and the TPP has eight. If no one secures a majority in the first round, a second round will be held. The speaker election will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., followed by the vice speaker election from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. Results are expected by 5 p.m.
    2024/02/01 11:35
  • Over half of Taiwan backs President-elect Lai Ching-te: TPOF

    A recent survey by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation reveals that 52% of respondents have confidence in President-elect Lai Ching-te’s leadership. The survey, conducted from Jan. 15-17, 2024, among adults aged 20 and above nationwide, shows that 21% have high confidence in Lai’s ability to lead, while 30.9% are somewhat confident. On the other hand, 19.5% are not very confident, 18.7% are not at all confident, and 7.3% held no opinion. The survey, which had a total valid sample of 1083 respondents, also found that 51.9% expressed confidence in Lai, while 38.2% reported having no confidence in him. The survey was funded by TPOF and had a margin of error of approximately 2.98 percentage points at a 95% confidence level.
    2024/01/30 14:23
  • VP-elect Hsiao Bi-khim diagnosed with COVID-19 again

    DPP Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim has tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time. She underwent rapid testing in Miaoli due to congestion symptoms, which confirmed her infection. Despite her diagnosis, Hsiao diligently followed the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s guidelines, wearing a double mask and avoiding contact with others. She completed two events in Miaoli under these conditions but had to cancel subsequent activities to protect the public. Hsiao expressed regret to her supporters for not being able to interact with them and informed President-elect Lai Ching-te about her diagnosis.
    2024/01/29 17:14
  • Hou Yu-ih calls for KMT unity and public-focused laws

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih emphasizes the importance of party unity and proposing laws that resonate with the public, regardless of the Kuomintang (KMT) leader. This statement comes in response to KMT legislator Lai Shyh-bao’s withdrawal from the election for the KMT caucus whip. Hou believes that communication and consensus between parties, focusing on Taiwan’s future and public welfare, are crucial. He reiterates the significance of unity within the KMT and presenting laws that resonate with the public for Taiwan’s future. Hou, who has resumed mayoral duties after the presidential election, launches his mayor’s action governance forum in New Taipei City’s Yonghe District. He plans to continue progress on various projects, including sewage systems, parking facilities, and transit networks, with the expectation of obtaining more budget due to the KMT winning more seats in the legislature.
    2024/01/29 17:11
  • Taiwan braces for dual outbreak ahead of Lunar New Year

    A surge in respiratory illnesses, including influenza and COVID-19, has overwhelmed emergency departments in Taipei. Pulmonologist Su I-feng warns the public to closely monitor their health due to the widespread COVID-19 outbreak. The Taiwan CDC predicts a peak in flu and COVID-19 cases before the Lunar New Year. Concerns arise about a possible shortage of medical staff during this period, particularly in the emergency system. Hsieh Tsung-hsueh, director of the Pediatric Emergency Department at Chung Shan Medical University Hospital, has already deployed staff to prepare for a potential massive influenza outbreak.
    2024/01/26 18:02
  • China refutes military link to Taiwan airspace incursions

    China’s Ministry of National Defense spokesperson, Wu Qian, dismisses the record number of balloons released into Taiwan’s airspace as meaningless hype and denies military involvement. Wu lambasts the actions of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities as a tactic to provoke cross-strait confrontation, claiming it is destined to fail. He reiterates that Taiwan’s election is China’s local affairs and that the DPP cannot represent the mainstream public opinion on the island. Wu firmly asserts that Taiwan is a part of China and that the international community adheres to the one-China principle. He declares that the sovereignty and territory of China have never been divided and that Taiwan’s legal status as part of China’s territory has never changed. Wu emphasizes that Taiwan will never be a country, Taiwan independence is not possible, and external forces’ plot to split China will never succeed. He pledges that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity as a "Great Wall of Steel."
    2024/01/25 17:09
  • Taiwan announces budget surplus for 7th straight year

    Taipei’s Executive Yuan Spokesperson, Lin Tze-luen, announced a budget surplus for the 2023 fiscal year, attributing the achievement to the combined efforts of civil society and the government. The surplus will be allocated responsibly to maintain fiscal discipline, primarily focusing on debt reduction and infrastructure investment. Taiwan’s economy has experienced consistent growth, resulting in a budget surplus for seven consecutive years. In 2022, the surplus reached an impressive NT$500 billion, leading to a proposed special budget of NT$380 billion. This special budget aims to enhance economic and social resilience, with provisions such as a cash payment of NT$6,000 per citizen, support for labor and health insurance programs, and assistance for Taiwan Power Company. Additionally, the special budget includes programs to aid residential loan holders from the middle class and below. Lin emphasized the government’s commitment to considering public opinion and promoting national affairs to facilitate Taiwan’s sustainable development.
    2024/01/25 16:34
  • Surplus tax revenue in Taiwan opens debate on spending

    Taiwan’s government confirms budget surplus, prioritizes debt repayment and infrastructure investments. Cabinet spokesman Lin Tze-luen expresses gratitude for joint efforts leading to economic growth. Taiwan’s annual tax revenue exceeds target, reaching NT$367.1 billion in fiscal year 2023, marking the third-highest record. Speculation arises on possible cash rebate as government distributed NT$6,000 to citizens in 2022 surplus. Lin Tze-luen declares government will consider public opinion on surplus utilization. Surplus will be applied with fiscal discipline, focusing on debt repayment and infrastructure investments. Efforts will be made to meet national and individual needs for sustainable development.
    2024/01/25 15:15
  • Grieving family demands justice at student’s funeral

    The funeral ceremony of a middle school student who was stabbed by a schoolmate was held in New Taipei. The bereaved family demanded judicial reform and swift and severe punishment for the offender, hoping to establish a norm of "life for a life." They detailed the brutal incident, including the victim’s cardiac arrest, open-heart surgery, and subsequent death. The family pleaded for just and stiff penalties for both the perpetrator and abettor to ensure justice. They expressed skepticism towards the judiciary mechanism and its treatment of offenders, and voiced deep regret. The incident has had a significant impact on the family, particularly the deceased’s dependent sister who is now left to manage on her own. The family appreciated the assistance from kind-hearted individuals in caring for the sister and managing affairs after the child’s death. They fervently urged the judiciary to prioritize public safety, protect innocent victims, and ensure appropriate punishment for murderers and instigators.
    2024/01/25 15:12
  • PLA denounces U.S. naval maneuvers in Taiwan Strait

    The spokesperson for the PLA Eastern Theater Command accuses the US military of maliciously destroying regional peace and stability through provocative actions. This comes after the US Navy destroyer John Finn sailed through the Taiwan Strait. The PLA deployed troops to closely monitor the warship’s movements and expressed discontent over US provocations. Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense assures the public that the situation is normal and they were fully aware of the warship’s activities. The US Navy states that the traverse through the Taiwan Strait upholds the principle of freedom of navigation for all nations and emphasizes the importance of not surrendering rights and liberties. Tensions in the region are escalating due to increasing US naval activities and China’s claim over Taiwan.
    2024/01/25 11:11
  • KMT’s Johnny Chiang proposes sweeping parliamentary reforms

    Kuomintang (KMT) lawmaker Johnny Chiang announces plans for parliamentary reform, aiming to create a more representative legislature. Chiang criticizes the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for reducing the legislative yuan to an executive department during their eight-year term. He proposes amendments to ensure substantive responses from officials and full access to concealed data. Chiang emphasizes the importance of protecting parliamentary dignity, maintaining oversight balance, and preventing administrative abuses. He welcomes the end of single-party dominance and hopes for a more diverse democratic practice in the new legislative yuan. Chiang calls for extensive discussions on legislative amendments and collective effort to establish a new parliament that honors fresh public opinion.
    2024/01/25 11:08
  • New Taipei reiterates no mask mandate after toddler’s death

    A toddler’s tragic death at a public kindergarten in New Taipei City has sparked debate and confusion over whether toddlers should wear masks. The child’s family suspects that the mask may have become wet with tears, leading to asphyxiation. The Social Welfare Department clarified that only hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and senior care centers are required to follow the mask regulation. The family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the kindergarten director and two caregivers, who have been summoned by the police for further investigation.
    2024/01/25 10:14
  • Taiwan reports 53 OHCA deaths amidst cold snap

    53 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) deaths have been reported in Taiwan as of Jan. 23, according to the National Fire Agency (NFA). The NFA highlights that although there is no direct evidence linking these deaths to the cold weather, lower temperatures do increase the risk of sudden death. In Taipei City, six people experienced OHCA and were taken to medical facilities, but only one person was successfully revived. The average age of the victims was 80. Similarly, New Taipei City recorded eight OHCAs, with only three survivors. Authorities are urging the public to remain vigilant, especially older adults and those with chronic illnesses, emphasizing the importance of staying warm.
    2024/01/24 12:39
  • TPP mulls internal polling system after election loss

    Taipei People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je has expressed his intention to establish an internal public opinion center in order to improve the accuracy of future polls. This decision follows the TPP’s defeat in the presidential election and the subsequent launch of a post-defeat review. Ko believes that implementing out-of-district voting is a key change that needs to be made. He also highlighted the need for voting methods to adapt to the changing times, which he sees as a contributing factor to the election loss. In the meantime, concerns have been raised about legislator-at-large-elect Huang Shan-shan’s alleged dual party membership. Huang has responded by threatening legal action against those spreading false information, as the TPP prepares to establish a legal department. Additionally, TPP Taipei party headquarters chairman Lin Kuo-cheng has offered to resign due to disappointing post-election results. The TPP has clarified that staff turnovers are a result of job positions and organizational adjustments, as current legislative workloads are burdensome. The party plans to release a defeat review report to identify the main causes of the election loss.
    2024/01/23 16:15
  • Poll: majority of Taiwan supports coalition government

    A citizens’ preference poll conducted by the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation (TPOF) revealed that 47.3% of respondents were generally pleased with the outcome of the elections, in which the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) candidate won the presidency but failed to secure a majority in the legislature. The poll results, announced by TPOF on Jan. 23, showed a mixed outlook, with 15.3% very pleased, 32% somewhat pleased, 23.4% slightly displeased, and 9.1% not pleased. Additionally, nearly 60% of respondents agreed with the idea of forming a coalition government in the absence of a single party gaining a majority. The survey, conducted from Jan. 15-17 by Focus Survey Research on behalf of TPOF, utilized a dual-frame random sampling design, targeting Taiwanese residents aged 20 and above through 70% landline and 30% mobile calls. The margin of error is 2.98 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
    2024/01/23 13:20
  • Cold front in Taiwan linked to fatal cardiac arrests

    A cold front in Taiwan has been linked to five fatal cases of Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) in the Keelung region. Victims’ ages ranged from 52 to 97. The Keelung City Fire Department reported a total of five emergency rescue cases of OHCA, with two males and three females affected. It is unclear whether the cold weather was the cause of these emergencies. Temperatures dropped to 6-8 degrees Celsius on Tuesday morning, prompting the fire department to urge the public to prioritize warmth and guard against the risks posed by the low temperatures. The Central Weather Administration (CWA) reported temperatures of 6-8 degrees in areas north of central Taiwan and Yilan, and 9-12 degrees in southern Taiwan and Hualien-Taitung regions. The whole island may experience regional short-term rain due to moisture from southern China, with heavier rainfall expected in Keelung, the northern coast, and the mountainous area of Taipei city. New Taipei, Taipei, and Yi-lan may also be affected by heavy rains.
    2024/01/23 13:16
  • Taiwan’s CEC battles misinformation on TikTok

    The Central Election Commission (CEC) has filed 105 complaints with TikTok regarding false or misleading election-related content, with 10 made before the election and 95 following it. As of now, 54 of the posts have been taken down, and the cases are ongoing. TikTok has been circulating a substantial amount of inaccurate or untruthful audio-visual information related to the election. The CEC Vice Chairman, Chen Chao-chien, explained that candidates have the right to request the removal of deepfake videos under the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and Recall Act, as well as the Public Officials Election and Recall Act. Online social platforms have also established contact channels with the CEC to prevent false or misleading election-related content, in line with their community principles and for the sake of fair elections. The CEC has declined to comment or respond on specific online platforms on a case-by-case basis.
    2024/01/22 18:37
  • Skepticism over university department mergers in Taiwan

    In Taiwan, private universities like Tamkang University are merging departments due to declining student numbers and birth rates. Experts question the effectiveness of these mergers while education groups call for government support to maintain teaching quality and protect teacher and student rights.
    2024/01/22 17:36
  • Commuters’ rage boil over during rush hour on Taipei MRT

    Rush hour chaos on Taipei’s Wenhu Line as overcrowded trains lead to unintentional physical contact among commuters. Mayor Chiang Wan-an’s solution aims to ease the overcrowding.
    2024/01/22 17:06
  • Taiwan monitors Chinese aircraft and balloons near strait

    Taiwan’s National Defense Ministry (MND) reported the detection of four Chinese aircraft and six Chinese balloons in the vicinity of the Taiwan Strait within a 24-hour period. The balloons were found soaring between 15,000 and 27,000 feet, with one detected just 57 nautical miles west of Keelung City. The MND also identified activities involving four Communist vessels in the Taiwan Strait. The Republic of China Armed Forces closely monitored and responded to these activities using mission aircraft, ships, and shore-based missile systems. The military emphasized the constantly changing threat landscape faced by Taiwan, with China’s cognition warfare accompanying its military actions to affect Taiwan’s security. Continual refinement of public announcements is seen as imperative to avoid enemy influence.
    2024/01/22 14:42
  • Safety vs. aesthetics: Taipei grapples with transformer box

    Taiwan addresses safety concerns as it grapples with transformer boxes obstructing narrow sidewalks. New Taipei City’s success inspires Taipei’s plans, balancing safety and aesthetics.
    2024/01/19 17:57
  • Premier vows precision in tackling TikTok misinformation

    The Taiwanese government, led by Premier Chen Chien-jen, has emphasized its commitment to handling issues with the social media platform TikTok with precision. The government aims to address potential misinformation on social platforms to enhance public literacy and has warned of legal sanctions for spreading false information. The Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau recently established a Cognitive Warfare Research Center, which has raised concerns about potential infringements on freedom of speech. Chen highlighted the use of TikTok in advancing cognitive warfare efforts in some countries and the need for stricter government scrutiny. Taiwan has already banned the use of TikTok in government sectors since 2020. Chen argued that autocratic nations often exploit democratic societies’ free speech to influence elections through social media. He reiterated Taiwan’s status as a free and democratic country ruled by law, emphasizing the government’s responsibility to protect freedom of speech. Chen also highlighted the threats posed by spreading false or misinformation to reputation, health, privacy, societal stability, and national security. He called on democracies worldwide to approach this issue with caution.
    2024/01/19 16:24
  • Taiwan Premier Chen addresses election integrity concerns

    Taiwan Premier Chen Chien-jen addresses concerns over election integrity, stating that flaws in the electoral system do not undermine the legitimacy of poll results. Chen acknowledges public skepticism regarding irregular vote counts, but assures that errors have been rectified and had minimal impact on outcomes. He also warns against disinformation campaigns aimed at influencing Taiwan’s democratic process and urges the public to remain vigilant against false information. Chen emphasizes the importance of safeguarding Taiwan’s hard-earned democratic environment.
    2024/01/19 15:48
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